Potential energy is the energy an object has because of itsA. density.
B. size.
C. location.
D. speed.
E. temperature.


Answer 1

The property that distinguishes the potential energy from kinetic energy are the shape and position of the object, letter C. Potential energy is directly proportional with mass times gravity times the height of the object at rest. On the other hand, kinetic energy is directly proportional with half of the square of the velocity times the mass of the object in motion.

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al aplicar una fuerza de 2 N sobre un muelle este se alarga 4cm.¿cuanto se alargara si la fuerza es el triple?¿que fuerza tendriamos que hacer para que el alargamiento fuera de 6cm?


1) 12 cm

2) 3 N



The relationship between force and elongation in a spring is given by Hooke's law:



F is the force applied

k is the spring constant

x is the elongation

For the spring in this problem, at the beginning we have:

F=2 N

x=4 cm

So the spring constant is

k=(F)/(x)=(2N)/(4 cm)=0.5 N/cm

Later, the force is tripled, so the new force is

F'=3F=3(2)=6 N

Therefore, the new elongation is

x'=(F')/(k)=(6)/(0.5)=12 cm


In this second problem, we know that the elongation of the spring now is

x=6 cm

From part a), we know that the spring constant is

k=0.5 N/cm

Therefore, we can use the following equation to find the force:


And substituting k and x, we find:

F=(0.5)(6)=3 N

So, the force to produce an elongation of 6 cm must be 3 N.

How did locke's and newton's ideas influence enlightenment intellectuals?


Here is the answer. How Locke's and Newton's ideas influenced Enlightenment intellectuals by arguing that argued that every person was born with a blank mind.  Locke's ideas suggested that people were molded by experiences. On the other hand, Newton believed that the world operated according to natural laws that could be uncovered through systemic investigation. Hope this helps.

The ideas of John Locke and Isaac Newton had a profound influence on Enlightenment intellectuals by shaping their understanding of human nature, society, and the natural world.

Here are some key ways in which Locke's and Newton's ideas influenced Enlightenment thinkers:

1) Empiricism and Tabula Rasa: John Locke's philosophy emphasized empiricism and the concept of the mind as a "tabula rasa" or blank slate. He argued that individuals acquire knowledge through sensory experience and that the mind is not innately filled with ideas.

2) Natural Rights and Social Contract: Locke's ideas on natural rights and the social contract had a significant impact on Enlightenment thinkers. Locke argued that individuals possess certain inherent rights, including life, liberty, and property, which should be protected by a government.

3) Scientific Method and Universal Laws: Isaac Newton's discoveries in physics, particularly his formulation of the laws of motion and universal gravitation, provided a model for the application of reason and the scientific method. Newton's work demonstrated the power of observation, experimentation, and mathematical analysis in understanding the natural world.

4) Enlightenment Optimism and Progress: Both Locke and Newton fostered a sense of optimism and belief in human progress. Locke's emphasis on reason, education, and the perfectibility of individuals influenced Enlightenment thinkers in their pursuit of knowledge and social improvement.

Overall, Locke's emphasis on individual rights, reason, and social contract, combined with Newton's scientific discoveries and methodological rigor, provided Enlightenment intellectuals with a framework for challenging traditional authority, promoting individual freedoms, and pursuing rational explanations for human behavior and societal organization.

To know more about Enlightenment:



The big bang theory suggests that the universe is about _____.300 million years old4.6 billion years old30 billion years old13 billion years old



13 billion years old


Big ban theory is the theory that explains the things occurred at the origin our our universe. It explains the movement of the galaxies It also tells us the age of our universe. According to this theory, our universe is 13 billion years old. The temperature of our universe was about 5.5 billion Celsius at the start of the universe.

13 billion years old

While Sophia was driving to work, she tried to avoid hitting an animal and instead hit a parked car. As the car stopped, her body continued to move forward at the same speed and in the same direction.What happened to Sophia’s body in the car accident is an example of


This would be an illustration of Newton's first law of motion. Law of inertia, an object moving at constant velocity will keep moving at constant velocity until a force is acted upon it. Inertia is the tendency of an object to keep moving in a particular direction resisting to change, unless a force acts upon the object.

A 1.00 l sample of a gas at 25.0◦c and 1.00 atm contains 50.0 % helium and 50.0 % neon by mass. what is the partial pressure of the neon. express your answer in atmospheres.


V = Volume of sample of gas = 1.00 L = 0.001 m³

T = temperature of the gas = 25.0 ⁰C = 25 + 273 = 298 K

P = pressure = 1.00 atm = 101325 Pa

n = number of moles of gas

using ideal gas equation

PV = n RT

101325 (0.001) = n (8.314) (298)

n = 0.041

n₁ = number of moles of helium

n₂ = number of moles of neon

m₁ = mass of helium = n₁ (4) = 4 n₁

m₂ = mass of neon = n₂ (20.2) = 20.2 n₂

given that :

m₁ = m₂

4 n₁ = 20.2 n₂

n₁ = 5.05 n₂


n₁ +  n₂ = n

5.05 n₂ +  n₂ = 0.041

n₂ = 0.0068

mole fraction of neon is given as

mole fraction = n₂ /n = 0.0068/0.041 = 0.166

P₂ = partial pressure of neon = (mole fraction) P

P₂ = (0.166) (1)

P₂ = 0.166 atm

The partial pressure of the neon is  0.16 atm.


 A 1.00 l sample of a gas at 25.0◦c and 1.00 atm contains 50.0 % helium and 50.0 % neon by mass. what is the partial pressure of the neon. express your answer in atmospheres.

The partial pressure is the notional pressure of constituent gas if it is occupied alone by the entire volume of the original mixture at the same temperature.

50.0 % helium and 50.0 % neon by mass.

P = 1 atm

Mass of the gases = M

Moles of helium = (0.5M)/(4 g/mol)\nMoles of neon = (0.5M)/(20 g/mol)

By using ideal gas equation we get:

PV=nRT\nn=(PV)/(RT)=(1.00 L* 1.00 atm)/(0.0820 L atm/mol K* 298 K)=0.0409 mol

where n =total number of moles of gases

0.0409 mol=(0.5M)/(4 g/mol)+(0.5M)/(20 g/mol)

M = 0.2728 g

Then we can find the mass and mole of gases

The gas molar volume is the volume of one mole of the gas at a given temperature and pressure.

Mass of helium gas = (0.2728g)/(2)=0.1364 g

Moles of helium gas =n_1=(0.1364 g)/(4 g/mol)=0.0341 mole

Mass of neon gas  = (0.2728g)/(2)=0.1364 g

Moles of neon gas = n_2=(0.1364 g)/(20 g/mol)=0.00682mole

Partial pressure of the neon gas:P* \chi_2=P* (n_2)/(n_1+n_2)=1 atm* (0.00682)/(0.00682+0.0341)=0.16 atm

Therefore the partial pressure of the neon gas is 0.16 atm.

Learn more about pressure brainly.com/question/13897350


Help please thanks in advance x Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum of visible light.
Describe two things they have in common and two ways in which they differ. X


Difference: red has a higher wavelength than violet

Difference: the waves at the violet end of the spectrum are more damaging to you (e.g. Gamma rays are more harmful than radio waves).