Which of the processes discussed in this lesson had led to the many varieties of dogs that excist today


Answer 1
Answer: Humans have been intentionally causing similar changes in other species for thousands of years. The process of breeding organisms with the most desirable traits is called selective breeding.

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Arrange the tiles to show the sequence of the steps in a scientific investigation. make an observation ask questions construct a hypothesis test the hypothesis analyze the results and make conclusions communicate the results



The correct answer will be-

1. make an observation

2.ask questions

3.construct a hypothesis

4. test the hypothesis

5. analyze the results

6. make conclusions

7.communicate the results


A scientific method is a systematic approach to answer and explain the natural phenomenon of nature.

The scientific method begins with making an observation based on which the researcher can frame scientific questions which could be answered. The researcher must do background research on the same question and predict the most probable reason in the form hypothesis.  

This hypothesis must be tested by performing the experiments designed to test the hypothesis. Based on experiments results must be collected and analysed as a piece of evidence to make conclusions regarding the hypothesis. These results must be communicated through poster presentations or in published form in journals after peer-reviewed.

Thus, the steps are arranged in accordance with the scientific method.

Final answer:

The sequence of steps in a scientific investigation includes making observations, asking questions, constructing a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, analyzing the results, and communicating the results.


The sequence of steps in a scientific investigation is as follows:

  1. Make an observation: A scientist makes an observation about a pattern or trend in the natural world.
  2. Ask questions: The observation generates questions that the scientist wants to answer.
  3. Construct a hypothesis: The scientist formulates a testable statement that explains the observation.
  4. Test the hypothesis: The scientist performs an experiment to gather data.
  5. Analyze the results and make conclusions: The scientist analyzes the data and draws conclusions based on the results.
  6. Communicate the results: The scientist shares their findings with others.

Learn more about Scientific investigation here:



A hurricane destroyed all life forms on an island and washed away all the soil, leaving bare rock. In time, lichens grow in cracks in the rocks. What is occurring?The habitat is not recovering at all.

Primary succession is beginning.

Secondary succession is beginning.


The answer is B. Primary succession is begining

Primary succession is occurring

Which of the following could be a hypothesis for what causes a scarlet ibis to have red feathers?A. the red feathers make the bird more beautiful to people
B. A chemical in the birds food produces the red coloring
C. What does the scarlet ibis eat?
D. The feathers are red because a wizard cursed the bid long ago


The answer is C because it seems like the most logical answer

Final answer:

The hypothesis for what causes a scarlet ibis to have red feathers is that a chemical in the bird's food produces the red coloring.


B. A chemical in the bird's food produces the red coloring. In this case, the hypothesis suggests that the red feathers of the scarlet ibis are caused by a specific chemical component present in the bird's food. This hypothesis can be tested by conducting experiments to analyze the bird's diet and investigating the effects of different foods on the coloration of the feathers.

Learn more about Scarlet ibis feathers coloration here:



multiple choice. choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) matter a) has mass. b) all of the choices are correct. c) occupies space. d) is what life is composed of. e) is composed of elements. 1) 2) a compound a) contains two or more elements in a fixed ratio. b) is exemplified by sodium. c) is a solution. d) is less common than a pure element. e) is a pure element. 2) 3) the four most common elements in living organisms are a) c, h, o, na. b) c, h, o, fe.



matter has mass




matter has mass and occupies space

elements in fixed ratios form a compound

the most common elements in organisms are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sodium