Often, the second part of a scientific name is (1 point)


Answer 1
Answer: A. a description of a trait or habitat.

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Earth has many layers because of its complex history and the processes that have shaped it over billions of years.

Describe how plants and animal cells obtain their energy?


Food provides energy to animal cells, whereas sunshine provides energy to plant cells. Chemicalenergy, which is the energy held in the bonds that connect the atoms of every molecule, is used by all cells. Cells must be able to release the chemical energy in the connections in order to continue to function.

What is a cell?

The smallest unit in biology that can sustain life on its own and makes up all living things as well as the body's tissues.

After using a very early microscope to examine a piece of cork, Robert Hooke proposed the name "cell" in 1665, derived from the Latin cella, which means "storeroom or chamber."

It is also claimed that he believed the rectangular spaces resembled some monasticcells.

Animal cells get their energy from food, but plant cells get their energy from sunlight. All cells employ chemicalenergy, which is the energy stored in the bonds that bind the atoms of every molecule.

To keep working, cells need to be able to discharge the chemical energy stored in their connections.

Thus, this way, plants and animal cells obtain their energy.

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Plant cells obtain their energy by making their own food  through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process by which carbon dioxide , water and light energy are utilized by plants to make energy-rich carbohydrates such as glucose. Plants store up the glucose as starch in their tissues.  When plant cells needs energy, they simply take  glucose molecules from their store of starch and use it in cellular respiration to produce ATP, the form of energy that the cell uses to function.

Animals on the other hand do not make their own food but ingest ready made food and  break it down  into its simplest units through the process of digestion. Complex carbohydrates are broken down to glucose units. Glucose is directly taken in by the animal  cells where it is used in cellular respiration to produce ATP ,which fuels the cell activities.

Assume that the growing polypeptide chain of amino acids being produced represents an enzyme humans use to help digest starch. The original blueprint for the production of this enzyme can be found, most specifically, in the



-Nuclei of gland cells.


-Enzymes are proteins that are manufactured in the ribosomes through the process of Translation. The process starts from the information contained in the DNA.

-First,  the information in a DNA molecule is read and transcribed it into an intermediary molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA, which takes place in the nuclei. Next, the information contained in the mRNA molecule is translated into the "language" of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, a process of translation which takes place in the cytoplasm in organelles called ribosomes.


B.) nuclei of gland cells


A result of harmful fishing practice where part of the catch is discarded and not used is called overfishing




I think its either by catch or over fishing


When part of the catch is discarded and not used is called a "bycatch". This occurs when other, usually smaller fish, get caught by accident by fishermen hoping to catch other kinds of fish.
A result of harmful fishing practice where part of the catch is discarded and not used is called Bycatch.

What characteristic do all algae share?


Algea shares that they  are autotrophs.

A group of organic compounds that include fats are known as _____. carbohydrates nucleic acids proteins lipids



Lipids are a class of biomolecules, made up of fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives. Lipids are non-polar, water insoluble organic compounds, which include fats (triglycerides), steroids, phospholipids, and natural oils. Lipids play role in different functions, such as in membrane synthesis (phospholipids), energy storage (fats), and signalling (steroids).

Thus, the correct answer is option) 'lipids.'

Lipids would be your answer I believe(: