What is Linnaeus considered the father of?


Answer 1
Answer: he was the father of taxonomy
Answer 2
Answer: Carolus Linnaeus was the father of Taxonomy, or giving scientific names to every living organism discovered at the time.

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At what age is the difference between the average height of boys and girls greatest?Estimate this difference to the nearest centimeter.



Sixteen years old is the age where the biggest difference between the average height of boys and girls can be observed. This is a difference of approximately 5.7 cm.


As we know, for biological reasons, boys and girls have different growths and different development in their bodies. However, the growth and development of boys and girls during childhood is very similar and only starts to look different even from adolescence, where individuals have great structural differences.

At 16 years of age, boys and girls have the greatest mean difference in height. While in previous years this difference was on average 1 centimeter, at 16 years old, girls are 150.8 cm tall on average, while boys are 156.5 cm tall.

Due to the average rate of growing starting to properly sprout at the age 11, surely those years around it would be the greatest difference.
I think there is about a 15cm difference on average.

The arctic fox has adapted to its environment in a number of ways. Its fur turns white in winter and it does not begin to shiver until temperatures plunge below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Global warming is likely to bring many changes, including an increase in mean air temperature. Over time, the arctic fox will have to adapt to this change. Which adaptation is MOST LIKELY to occur? A) Its paw pads may thicken. B) Its fur may stay white longer. C) Its tail may have thinner fur. D) Its ears may be shorter and rounder.


Answer:  C) Its tail may have thinner fur.

Adaptation is the change or alteration in the organism which imparts changes in the structure, physiology and behavior of the organism. These changes allows the organism to survive in the drastic environmental conditions.

In the given situation, artic fox being living in the cold environment Its tail may have thinner fur. is the correct type of adaptation which may allow the artic fox to survive in changing environmental conditions due to global warming. As, global warming may cause change the climatic conditions of the artic regions. The thin fur may allow the loss of heat during summer conditions.

 I believe the answer is C.

Describe the function of lysosomes in animal cells. Describe how material is removed from a cell



Lysosomes are the organelles of the cell which is responsible for the digestion of food materials by using digestive enzymes and it also helps in removing waste materials from the cell. Lysosomes have 60 enzymes which are used in different processes of the cells. Lysosomes act as antigen which helps in the protection of cells against microbes such as bacteria and viruses.

What are 3 ways that humans are considered a diverse population?


no two humans are the same

Final answer:

Humans demonstrate significant diversity in biological traits, social characteristics, and agricultural practices. This diversity is reflected in physical attributes and social differences between societies, alongside the wide range of plants and animals cultivated for various environmental conditions.


Humans are considered a diverse population in many ways, but there are three main aspects that stand out.

Biological Diversity: With billions of humans on the planet's surface, human beings possess considerable biological diversity. Visible traits like skin color, or invisible genetic markers like blood type, contribute to this diversity. Within any subcategory, there will be more variation than that exists between different categories.

Social Diversity: Human social diversity arises from our societies' differing physical or social characteristics. These can vary greatly, resulting in a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, traditions, and social norms across the globe.

Agricultural Diversity: Humans have cultivated an immense diversity in domestic plants, animals, and fungi based on local needs and environmental factors. For example, potatoes have been bred into thousands of varieties to cope with specific soil and climate conditions—this mirrors cultural diversity within human populations.

Learn more about Human Diversity here:



What aquatic species is the least susceptible to acid rain? (Refer to the chart in the lesson to answer this question.)trout





Among the organisms shown in the question above, frogs are the least susceptible to damage caused by acid rain, but that does not mean that frogs do not suffer any damage, quite the contrary. Frogs are amphibians and like all amphibians have very sensitive and highly permeable skin, which makes acid rain very harmful to your body and can cause fatal consequences.

Least susceptible is mayflies

What is a fine-grained material that has been transported and deposited by the wind ? A. Loess

B. Sandblast

C. Slip face

D. Sand dunes


Answer: Loess is the fine grained material that has been transported and deposited by the wind.The answer isA.


Since the wind can carry these types of material (find grained) father than sand, and also higher up, they are generally found very far from their original place of origin.

Loess is no larger than 50 micrometers in size. It is coarse in texture like clay, but finer than a grain of salt.