Environmental catastrophes can cause changes to the Earth’s surface. T f


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is true. An earthquake can mess up the Earth´s fault lines. 
Hope this helped!
Have a nice day!
Answer 2

Final answer:

Environmental catastrophes, either due to human activities or natural disasters, can cause short-term and long-term changes to the Earth's surface, altering ecosystems and weather patterns. These changes could include melting glaciers, rise in sea levels, and changes in seasonal patterns among others.


Yes, environmental catastrophes can indeed cause changes to the Earth’s surface. Different factors, such as human activities, global climate change, and natural disasters, can all contribute to altering the Earth's environment and ecosystems. For example, the excessive use of fossil fuels has led to the depletion of the ozone layer, desertification, topsoil loss, and changes in global weather patterns—some of which may threaten the collapse of certain ecosystems.

Short-term changes might include unseasonal rainfall or changes to the life cycles of insects and animals. Long-term effects, on the other hand, could signify more permanent alterations, such as the melting of glaciers or a rise in sea levels, which could potentially submerge islands situated near sea level and devastate the local ecosystems.

Certain natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions or earthquakes, can also prompt changes to the Earth's surface. Overall, understanding these potential changes and their consequences is crucial to implementing effective strategies for environmental conservation.

Learn more about Earth's surface changes here:



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I believe the answer is: Cyclical unemployment

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the answer is D. A or B
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Answer: Dr. Cheng : GROUP STANDARDS



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