Organize ten produce items fro the grocery store into a hierarchy, and make up a species name for each one based on Linnaean principles


Answer 1
Answer: Cleaning materials

1. Cleaning powders
2. Cleaning liquids

a. Zonrox
b. Muriatic Acid

The complete and correct hierarchy of taxonomic groups from largest to smallest are:
1) Domain
     1.1) Archaea  1.2) Bactera  1.3) Eukarya
2) Kingdom
     2.1) Animalia  2.2) Plantae  2.3) Fungi  2.4) Protista  2.5) Archaea  2.6) Bacteria
3) Phylum - has 35 phyla
4) Class 
5) Order
6) Family
7) Genus
8) Species

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What is cellular respiration?


Cellular respiration is a series of metabolic reactions which result in conversion of biochemical energy from nutrients into energy in the form of ATP. The general reaction of cellular respiration is: glucose (C6H12O) + oxygen (O2) → carbon dioxide (CO2) + water (H2O) + adenosine triphosphat (ATP). These reactions are catabolic (because large molecules, such as glucose, are broken down into small ones) and exothermic (because heat is released during the reaction).

Which specialized carbohydrate is used for structure in shrimp?


Answer: Chitin


Carbohydrates can be defined as the class of bio molecules which includes sugar, cellulose, chitin and many forms.

Chitin is the major constituent of the exoskeleton. It is made of polysaccharide. It is a type of exoskeleton which is is found in arthopods which provides support to the shrimp.

This polysaccharide is chitin.

The specialized carbohydrate used for structure in shrimp is chitin. Chitin is a long-chain polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, which is a derivative of glucose.

How do we explain?

Chitin provides strength and flexibility to the exoskeleton, allowing the shrimp to move and grow while still being protected and is also found in the exoskeletons of other arthropods, such as crabs and lobsters. It is also found in the cell walls of some fungi and algae.

Chitin is a very strong material. It is even stronger than steel, pound for pound. However, it is also very lightweight. This makes it an ideal material for the exoskeletons of shrimp and other arthropods.

The exoskeleton of a shrimp is made up of several layers of chitin. The outermost layer is the hardest layer. It is called the epicuticle. The epicuticle is made up of a waxy substance that helps to protect the shrimp from water loss and from predators.

Learn  more about  Chitin at:


Cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks are enzymes involved with the control of mitosis; drs. lee hartwell and paul nurse won the nobel prize for physiology or medicine in 2001 for their work on cdks. what organism was used to study these enzymes



Dr. Leland Hartwell utilized the baker’s yeast; Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Paul Nurse used a different type of yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, as a model organism.


Dr. Leland Hartwell utilized the baker’s yeast; Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a model system, to study the enzymes that are involved in the control of mitosis including deriving the checkpoints concepts etc. Paul Nurse used a different type of yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, as a model organism.

What is the advantage of binary fission for prokaryotes? They can fight disease.
They can adapt easily to any environment.
They can vary their shapes.
They can reproduce quickly.


The advantage of binary fission for prokaryotes would be that they can reproduce quickly.

They can reproduce quickly.

Angiosperms _____. have flowers have cones are nonvascular are seedless


Angiosperms have flowers.

Angiosperms are plants which produce flowers and are thus commonly referred to as the flowering plants.

All angiosperms  produce flowers at some stage in their life. Flowers are important to the angiosperms  because they serve as the reproductive organ for the plant, providing a means for the plant to propagate itself. 

Angiosperms are the largest group of plants on earth. They account for approximately 80% of all known living plants. There are about 270,000 known species of angiosperms that live on the earth today.

What might happen to a cell after a virus leaves it?


The virus uses the cell to replicate itself and then moves on. The cell, after replication dies as the new virus spreads.

the host cell lyses which means the host cell burst and is killed