The tiny openings through which evaporation takes place in the leaves of plants are called _____.holes


Answer 1



any of the minute pores in the epidermis of the leaf or stem of a plant, forming a slit of variable width which allows movement of gases in and out of the intercellular spaces.


Answer 2
Answer: The tiny openings through which evaporation takes place in the leaves of plants are called stomata.

♡♡Hope I helped!!! :)♡♡

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What is an effect of genetic drift on a gene pool?


Genetic drift is a random of sampling of alleles from the gene pool. if a chance of a  forest fire for example kills all but two of the population, the maximum number of alleles two the individuals at as a single gene would be 4, if both heterozygous for different alleles, all the other ones would be lost and the remaining alleles would increase in frequency.


Genetic drift reduces the size of gene pool of the population.


Genetic drift is any chance event that results in changes in the allele frequency of a population. The event either fixes an allele on the particular locus or makes the population to lose that allele.

Hence, genetic drift changes the genetic frequency by removal of a particular allele or by fixing it in the gene pool. Both conditions lead to reduced genetic variations in the population. And since genetic drift reduces the size of the population, the gene pool of the population would also shrink due to loss of alleles from it.

Which of the following has the least opportunity for recovery?A.A forest burned by fire cause by a lightning strike
B.A forest cut down by a logging company
C.A forest Flooded for a week following heavy spring rains
D.A forest decimated by an avalanche


The correct answer is (b) A forest cut down by a logging company.

The most common method of logging is clear cutting because it is economically profitable. When a logging company use clear-cutting to cut down the forest, they cut each and every tree by tools in such a way that there are very least chances that a whole forest will recover. The remaining parts of tree cannot grow again and thus cannot restore the forest.

the answer is B.A forest cut down by a logging company

What is the role of DNA in transmitting genetic information? Describe DNA’s important genetic role in a few sentences below.



DNA is responsible for traits.

A section of DNA that codes for a specific trait is called a gene.

Half of your DNA comes from each parent.

Your traits are a combination of your parents’ traits.

DNA is the blueprint for proteins, which play many roles in the body.


Information to include in your answer on edge 2020

DNA is the molecule which holds the Genetic Information , it's like the blueprint for how the body will be built, you can call it the book of life. 

DNA is like a book written in a 4-letters-language, each three letter (Codon) can form a word , and these words can form sentences (Genes). And like any other type of sentences they contain some words which are not necessary (Introns) and crucial words (Exons). Moreover like any book, some chapters are not that necessary (Noncoding DNA). 

Emilio tries to jump to a nearby dock from a canoe that is floating in thewater. Instead of landing on the dock, he falls into the water beside the
canoe. Use Newton’s third law to explain why this happened. Hint: First
identify the action-reaction pair in this example.



Resistive force from canoe in backward direction


As per Newton's third law of motion for every action, there is an equal reaction and that too in the direction opposite the direction of main action.  

Here, the action reaction pair is the contact point of Emilio or the Canoe.  

When Emilio tried to jump on the dock, he exerted an action force i.e the KE+PE in the forward direction but while jumping he pushed behind the canoe which in turn exerted resistive frictional force in the backward direction on Emilio which restricted him from jumping exactly on the dock.

This is derived from Newton's first law of motion; every object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless acted upon by a different force. But this relates to the third law because inertia was counteracted by another force, gravity.

1) Energy is released when _______ is removed from pyruvate.A - Water
B - Carbon dioxide
C - Co-enzyme A
D - None of the above

2) Which of the following is energy that has not yet been used?
A - Potential
B - Kinetic
C - Metabolic
D - All of the above


1.) C. Co-enzyme A
2.) A- Potential. It has "potential." meaning it's not used yet. 

Which of the following is a value of biodiversity?A. Pollution
B. Climate change
C. Invasive species
D. Healthy ecosystems


D. Ecosystems are important in maintaining the good chain among all the organisms within it, which contributes to a high value of biodiversity