Which of the following reforms was LEAST frequently advocated during the Progressive Era?(A) Direct election of United States senators
(B) Factory inspection laws
(C) The use of the initiative and the referendum
(D) Prosecution of trusts
(E) Laws prohibiting racial discrimination


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "(A) Direct election of United States senators." The reform that was least frequently advocated during the Progressive Era is the direct election of United States senators.

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Acid rain is primarily a problem of:A) developed nations.
B) developing nations.
C) primate cities.
D) urban areas.


Well, it could be a problem of all of those, honestly. Even acid rain that develops in one country can go over to another due to the winds and cause problems there.

However, any urban area at this point in time, where there are many people and many gases being produced, will create acid rain, so D is likely to be the answer.

1. Define, as simply as you can, reinforcement and punishment.2. Explain how one might accomplish reinforcement and punishment through the use of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. Include examples where appropriate.



1. Reinforcement and punishment are two separate things. Reinforcement is used to increase the tendency of a particular response, while on the other hand, punishment is used to decrease the tendency of a particular response.

2. To accomplish reinforcement, one may use positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the addition of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular response. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, the student gets to go to the ice cream shop. Negative reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the removal of an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular behavior. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, they no don't have to wash the dishes that night.

To accomplish punishment, one may use positive punishment or negative punishment. Positive punishment is a type of punishment in which an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response/behavior. For example, a teen stays out past curfew and now has to do extra chores. Negative punishment is a type of punishment in which the removal of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response. An example of this would be a child getting in trouble and having her favorite toy taken away.




1. Reinforcement is when you are rewarded for doing something right. Punishment is to teach you that you are not doing something right and you must learn from it.



Volume, mass, center of gravity, and density are examples of which of the following?


All three of them are used for measuring mass.
They all are use for mass measuring. 

Economics:A recession can have a _______________ (positive, neutral, negative) effect on mental health. This can _____________ (decrease, increase, stabilize the demand for mental health specialists or psychologists.



A recession can have a negative effect on mental health. This can increase the demand for mental health specialists or psychologists.


A recession which is a contraction in the economy that can result in people losing their jobs, a high inflation and many economic problems that can affect people's financial situation which could result in mental illnesses because of things like stress, depression, anger, fear, etc. These mental problems would require that people look for help to treat them which will increase the demand for health specialists or psychologists.

negative and increase

The ideological subsystem of a culture is known as its _________.A) mentifacts
B) sociofacts
C) artifacts
D) justdafacts
E) All of the above


The ideological subsystem of a culture is known as its _________.A) mentifacts
B) sociofacts
C) artifacts
D) justdafacts
E) All of the above
A) Mentifacts is the answer :)

The geopolitical theory that stressed the strategic advantages of land over sea power is known as the:A) domino theory.
B) rimland theory.
C) lebensraum theory.
D) heartland theory.


The correct answer is the heartland theory -answer D), which said that the land away from the seas was safer because it could be better defended.

A somewhat opposite theory was the rimland theory - this one was stressing the advantage of lying on the sea.

The other two options refer rather to speficic concepts from modern politics. 
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