Which of the following BEST characterizes the response of Great Britain and France to the American Civil War?(A) They saw advantages in a divided Union, but pursued cautious policies toward both sides.
(B) They favored restoration of the Union and actively worked to arbitrate the conflict.
(C) They favored permanent separation of the Union and openly supported the South.
(D) They favored permanent separation of the Union and openly supported the North.
(E) They had no interest in the conlict and remained aloof from it.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "(A) They saw advantages in a divided Union, but pursued cautious policies toward both sides." The statement that best characterizes the response of Great Britain and France to the American Civil War is that they saw advantages in a divided Union, but pursued cautious policies toward both sides.

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B) Green

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