What is the difference between oceanic and continental crust?


Answer 1


The crust is the outer layer of the Earth. It is the solid rock layer upon which we live. It is either continental or oceanic. Continental crust is typically 30-50 km thick, whilst oceanic crust is only 5-10 km thick. Oceanic crust is denser, can be subducted and is constantly being destroyed and replaced at plate boundaries. Continental crust is older, lighter and cannot be destroyed.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The oceanic and continental crust differentiate by composition and thickness. Oceanic crust is thinner and denser, composed mostly of basalt and gabbro, while the continental crust is thicker, less dense, and comprised of granitic rocks.


The oceanic and continental crusts form the outermost layer of the Earth. They differ from each other in terms of composition and thickness. The oceanic crust primarily consists of mafic rocks like basalt and gabbro and is about 5-10km thick. Because of its denser composition, it sinks beneath the continental crust when the two come into contact, leading to a process called subduction. On the other hand, the continental crust is mainly composed of granitic rocks and is much thicker, typically ranging from 30-50km. It is less dense than the oceanic crust and when the two collide, the continental crust stays above.

Learn more about Oceanic and Continental Crust here:



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called matter. good luck:)
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it is a


on e202

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OK SOOOO- this is not a question but my brother who got is account banned for using this to cheat on homework. I have seen some of the questions on tests that people are asking answers on here...nobody is following honor code. I legit see people say " ITS A I TOOK THE TEST THATS THE ANSWER!" Like- I-... Im just saying whoever created this made it for people to cheat on. Either take down the platform or stop banning people who want answers because they see other people doing and they think its OK...



fr, I only got this because I'm flipping dumb and for study island like why would you even ban people if this "app" was made for cheats. like there saying that this app improves people knowledge this is basically a freaking TEST KEY!


Answer: I agree with you on the whole thing of banning people from seeing answers. And I also agree that people dont follow the honor code whatsoever. You know people are strange sometimes.
