Rose believes that being involved in a plane crash is more likely than being involved in an automobile crash. Which of the following errors has Rose made?A) confirmation bias
B) hindsight bias
C) fundamental attribution error
D) the availability heuristic


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C) fundamental attribution error." The error that Rose made is that of fundamental attribution error. Rose believes that being involved in a plane crash is more likely than being involved in an automobile crash.

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B. 20 years
C. 15 years
D. 10 years



D. 10 years


A mortgage loan is a loan that people use to buy a home and in which the property is used as a collateral. These loans have an important characteristic that is their term. Considering that they tend to be for a big amount of money because of the prices of properties, the most common term that banks offer is 30 years. Also, 20 and 15 years are common. According to this, the term that is not common is 10 years.

D because 10 years is not common the rest are

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. reduce the role of government in regulating the economy." The return to "normalcy" during the 1920s can best be described as an attempt to reduce the role of government in regulating the economy.

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Describe the cold war


The Cold War led was a conflict between the United States of America (USA), along with its allies, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its satellite states and allies.  The deeper issues that set the USA and the USSR at odds were that the USA was committed to capitalism and democratic institutions of government, whereas the USSR was committed to communism and imposed authoritarian government.  The Cold War was mostly a tension between these worldviews.

There were also immediate conflicts and pressure points as the Cold War began. One of those issues was that the USA had atomic weapons and the USSR did not.  (The US would not share that technology with the Soviets, who had been their ally in World War II.)  When the Soviets developed their own atomic weaponry, this led to a massive arms race between the superpowers.

During the course of the Cold War, the two superpowers never directly went to war with one another.  However, they did support a number of proxy wars where they were supporting opposing sides in other conflicts -- such as the Korean War, the Six Day War (in the Middle East), the Soviet-Afghan War, etc.

As the Cold War continued, the two superpowers (US and USSR) kept escalating their weapons capabilities and stockpiles.  It got to the point that if the two sides did plunge into war, they would face mutually assured destruction.  Eventually the US and USSR would pursue policies of detente, which included pledges to reduce their nuclear arsenals.  The arms race and solving the arms race were constant issues affecting the Cold War.

The Cold War was the war between United States and Soviet Union following the WWII. After the defeat of the axis powers and the fall of Hilter, the Soviet Union possessed the world's largest enemy. The US possessed the most powerful weapon in the atomic bomb, which had just been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to defeat Japan. Both nations had allied with one another in the war to defeat their common enemy but this was merely a front to mask the contempt both had for one another. The cold war was the term used to describe the antagonism between democratic America and communist Soviet Union (Russia). While there was never any armed notion of conflict between both nation, the cold war was the battle of ideologies and was waged in nations all over the world between proxy nation. The US goal was to spread democragy throughout the world and Soviet Union's goal was to spread communism.