Four-year-old Amy is learning what it means to be a girl. Her parents have decorated her room all in pink and buy her lots of dolls. When she shows interest in playing with her brother's toy cars, they direct her back to her toy kitchen set. She told her friends about this experience one day and they teased her saying, "Why would you want to play with boy toys?" Which of the following best explains Amy's gender development?A) the biological approach
B) the evolutionary approach
C) social role theory
D) the social cognitive approach


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "A) the biological approach." Amy's gender development is best explained through the biological approach. Four-year-old Amy is learning what it means to be a girl. Her parents have decorated her room all in pink and buy her lots of dolls ...

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C) fundamental attribution error." The error that Rose made is that of fundamental attribution error. Rose believes that being involved in a plane crash is more likely than being involved in an automobile crash.

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "b. the federal government is generally unable to enforce its own laws." In the United States, the widespread disregard of the fugitive slave laws and of the Prohibition laws most clearly indicated that  the federal government is generally unable to enforce its own laws.

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D) reasonable ground for a search

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Assignment TasksComplete each of the following tasks to investigate the parts of the DBQ essay.
1. Identify the question.
Evaluate the extent to which the Industrial Revolution influenced global reform efforts from 1877
to 1922.
Consider the above prompt. What limitations does the prompt place on the writer, and what choices
can the writer make?
2. Write an acceptable thesis.
Evaluate the extent to which the Industrial Revolution influenced global reform efforts from 1877
to 1922.
Draft an initial thesis in response to the prompt. Then explain why the thesis meets the documentbased–question essay’s requirements.
3. Contextualize.
Evaluate the extent to which the Industrial Revolution influenced global reform efforts from 1877
to 1922.
Write two to three sentences describing a broader historical context that is relevant to the above
prompt. After you complete your sample, explain how it meets the essay’s requirements for
4. Analyze historical evidence.
Sample document:
Source: John Spargo, a leading public intellectual and historian during the Progressive Era, and
author of The Bitter Cry of the Children, 1906
“Children have always worked, but it is only since the reign of the machine that their work has
been synonymous with slavery. . . .
. . . With the coming of the machine age all this was changed. The craftsman was supplanted by
the tireless, soulless machine. The child still worked, but in a great factory throbbing with the
vibration of swift, intricate machines. In place of parental interest and affection there was the
harsh, pitiless authority of an employer or his agent, looking, not to the child’s well-being and skill
as an artificer, but to the supplying of a great, ever widening market for cash gain.”
What are the four components of the HIPP strategy for analyzing sources? Model the strategy by
using these four components to analyze the above document.
5. Develop a complex argument.
To earn full credit, your essay must show that you have a complex understanding of the historical
development that you are analyzing. Identify at least three different strategies you could use to
meet this requirement in your essay. Then, provide a specific example of how you could use one
of your strategies in your essay.


  1. When The prompt is enforced multiple limitations onto the writer.  There have been many numerous efforts to reform a government throughout human beings' history, and also by only allowing us to discuss 45 years of theglobal reform efforts, then our discussion is limited to a certain amount of time. When A choice the writer is given different parts of the Industrial Revolution and also that how it may be spread throughout the world.
  2. There is the use of machines to produce day-to-day products and they can be made the standard of living for the general population in the western world begin to the increase consistently for the first time in history. This is thesis meets the document-based–question essay’s There are requirements because it addresses the Industrial Revolution and its effects on the general mass.
  3. According to the prompt, Europe was filled with rebellions, civil wars,revolutions, etc. for the rights of citizens. The Citizens globally felt that they were not being treated properly due to the system of castes and rankings and misbehaving.The main purpose of machines doing their jobs for them they could have possibly influenced the Industrial Revolution. so that Unfortunately, they were incorrect, as the lives of children would have become synonymous with slavery as the introduction of the machine enters.
  4. There are four components of the HIPP strategy for analyzing sources including are:historical context,intended audience, point of view, and also the purpose of the documents. Then The historical context of this document is the Industrial Revolution taking full effect. When Machines have taken over people’s lives. They were The intended audience of this document are people who were looking back at these documents a hundred years later. so that To truly realize the absolute hell, that people are my age. Also that this document is John Spargo, a leading public intellectual and also that when historian during the Progressive Era. This is the main purpose of this document is to educate.
  5. When Three strategies I could have been using to show that I have a complex that understanding of historical development. The evidence to support my claims, that are doing extensive research to genuinely get a grasp of the topic I am researching, and also getting multiple points of view. Then when By getting multiple points of view, Then I can identify who is struggling, and also who is thriving, and who is documenting the scenario. For example- According to John Spargo, a leading public intellectual and historian during the Progressive Era, “Then Children have been always worked, but they only since the reign of the machine that is their work has been synonymous with slaver” Behind The reign of machines that they took a toll on the physical and mental state of the children, as they were forced to work in a crowded factory that was most likely filled with toxic chemicals.

Learn more about:

In which year would the population of an Atlantic seacoast city most likely have appeared as follows?CATEGORIES (selected groups of total population) NUMBER
Born in United States of parents born in the United States (White) 70,352
Born in Ireland (White) 25,282
Born in United States of parents born in Ireland (White) 2,017
Born in Russia (White) 10
Born in United States of parents born in Russia (White) 2
Non-White born in United States 2,317
(A) 1790
(B) 1820
(C) 1850
(D) 1890
(E) 1930


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "(C) 1850." Born in United States of parents born in the United States (White) 70,352; Born in Ireland (White) 25,282; Born in United States of parents born in Ireland (White) 2,017; Born in Russia (White) 10; Born in United States of parents born in Russia (White) 2; Non-White born in United States 2,317.

What is the rank one chevron?
Private First Class



A rank one chevron is a private.


I just took the test.