A properly made and cooled solder joint will have the solder


Answer 1
Answer: a properly made and cooled solder joint will have the solder formed like a mountain.
Too much solder will make it look like a ball, and insufficient wetting will make the solder does not cover all the surface
Answer 2

Answer:a mirror like surface


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Progressivism is the advocacy for improvement by reform. This movement was used by Wilson in his endeavors for change. In 1917, he stablished the War Industries Board to supervise production of war materials. He used his authority to mobilize the nation and use advancements in science and technology for the fulfillment of his mission.

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"What is the significance of Odysseus successfully stringing the great bow in Book 21 of The Odyssey, and how does it affect the unfolding of the story?" answer the question by writing a short answer response using the format of assertion, evidence, commentary, evidence, commentary. make sure the evidence is correctly sited and embedded.


Odysseus's successful stringing of the great bow in Book 21 of The Odyssey symbolizes his prowess, determination, and rightful place as the hero of the epic.

In Book 21, as the suitors fail to string the bow, Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, requests to attempt the feat. With seemingly effortless strength, he strings the bow and shoots an arrow through a dozen axes, displaying his exceptional skill and prowess (Homer, The Odyssey, 21.421-428).

This moment showcases Odysseus's physical prowess, which is a testament to his rightful status as the hero of the narrative. His success with the bow serves as a powerful reaffirmation of his identity and capabilities, allowing him to reclaim his position and power in his home.

Furthermore, his triumph with the bow is a pivotal turning point in the story as it sets the stage for the epic's climax, leading to the downfall of the suitors and the re-establishment of Odysseus's authority in Ithaca (Homer, The Odyssey, 22.1-12).

By stringing the bow, Odysseus demonstrates not only his physical prowess but also his mental fortitude and strategic acumen. This moment serves as a catalyst for the resolution of the epic, highlighting Odysseus's determination to reclaim his home and reunite with his family, ultimately restoring order and justice to his kingdom.

Final answer:

Odysseus stringing the bow is significant as it asserts his identity and signals his readiness for revenge. It showcases his superiority, leading to the suitors' slaughter and house cleansing, driving the narrative forward.


The significance of Odysseus successfully stringing the great bow in Book 21 of The Odyssey asserts his identity and signals the beginning of his revenge against the suitors. To substantiate this point, recall that no suitor could string the bow (Homer, Book 21), symbolizing their inadequacy compared to Odysseus.

The successful stringing and firing of the arrow through the axes show Odysseus' superlative leadership capacity, mental acuity, and physical strength. Further evidence comes from how this event unfolds the story; Odysseus' victory triggers a chaotic and vengeful slaughter of the suitors (Homer, Book 22), and finally the cleansing of his household. Therefore, this act is instrumental in the unfolding of the narrative and its resolution.

Learn more about Significance of Odysseus Stringing the Bow here:
