Kim was offered a job and wanted to get a salary of $35,000 per year. When her soon-to-be employer asked her what salary she expected, she said $40,000. She was confident that she would not get that high of a salary but rather expected her employer to reject that figure for a figure closer to $35,000. What strategy is Kim using?A) cognitive dissonance strategy
B) foot-in-the-door strategy
C) elaboration-likelihood strategy
D) door-in-the-face strategy


Answer 1
Answer: D. It's where some one tells them they want a higher amount expecting them to lower to the amount they actually wanted or a little higher.

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Describe the cold war


The Cold War led was a conflict between the United States of America (USA), along with its allies, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its satellite states and allies.  The deeper issues that set the USA and the USSR at odds were that the USA was committed to capitalism and democratic institutions of government, whereas the USSR was committed to communism and imposed authoritarian government.  The Cold War was mostly a tension between these worldviews.

There were also immediate conflicts and pressure points as the Cold War began. One of those issues was that the USA had atomic weapons and the USSR did not.  (The US would not share that technology with the Soviets, who had been their ally in World War II.)  When the Soviets developed their own atomic weaponry, this led to a massive arms race between the superpowers.

During the course of the Cold War, the two superpowers never directly went to war with one another.  However, they did support a number of proxy wars where they were supporting opposing sides in other conflicts -- such as the Korean War, the Six Day War (in the Middle East), the Soviet-Afghan War, etc.

As the Cold War continued, the two superpowers (US and USSR) kept escalating their weapons capabilities and stockpiles.  It got to the point that if the two sides did plunge into war, they would face mutually assured destruction.  Eventually the US and USSR would pursue policies of detente, which included pledges to reduce their nuclear arsenals.  The arms race and solving the arms race were constant issues affecting the Cold War.

The Cold War was the war between United States and Soviet Union following the WWII. After the defeat of the axis powers and the fall of Hilter, the Soviet Union possessed the world's largest enemy. The US possessed the most powerful weapon in the atomic bomb, which had just been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to defeat Japan. Both nations had allied with one another in the war to defeat their common enemy but this was merely a front to mask the contempt both had for one another. The cold war was the term used to describe the antagonism between democratic America and communist Soviet Union (Russia). While there was never any armed notion of conflict between both nation, the cold war was the battle of ideologies and was waged in nations all over the world between proxy nation. The US goal was to spread democragy throughout the world and Soviet Union's goal was to spread communism.  

Liam's father has blue eyes, but Liam has brown eyes, like his mother. As an adult, Liam marries a woman with blue eyes, and now they are expecting their first baby. Is it possible for the child to be born with blue eyes?A) Yes. Liam may carry the recessive gene for blue eyes.
B) Yes. When one parent has blue eyes and the other has brown, the child always has a 50% chance of getting the blue eyes.
C) No. As long as one parent has brown eyes the child will always have brown eyes.
D) No. Since Liam has brown eyes, he only carries genes for brown eyes.


Okay, so:

If we write the blue (recessive) gene as b and the brown (dominant) gene as B, then we can deduce from Liam's ancestry that he must have Bb genes (since otherwise his father couldn't have had blue eyes).

Therefore, Liam's genes of Bb and the woman's genes of bb can combine in the following ways:

Bb, Bb, bb, bb (repeats shown)

This means that half the time (the half with the B) the child will have brown eyes. The other half, the child will have blue eyes.

However, the answers to this are a bit confusing, and I'm not sure which one you should pick. B is correct in that it says the part about 50%, but it is not true that a child will always have this chance, as one parent may not carry a recessive gene. A is correct where it says yes, but incorrect in that it says Liam may carry the blue-eyed gene- he actually must have it.

Either way, you now know how the genetics works, and perhaps writing an explanation will get you the mark instead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Good luck!

Final answer:

Yes, it's possible for the child to have blue eyes if Liam carries the recessive gene for blue eyes inherited from his father. As his wife has two blue-eyed genes, their child could inherit a blue-eyed gene from each parent.


The correct answer is A) Yes. Liam may carry the recessive gene for blue eyes. This is due to the nature of genetic inheritance. Eye color determination involves multiple genes, but it is often simplified to two: one for brown/blue (the bey2 gene) and one for green/blue (the gey gene). Brown eye color is dominant, so even if Liam has brown eyes, he can still carry the recessive gene for blue eyes from his father. If Liam's wife has blue eyes, she possesses two recessive blue-eyed genes. Hence, if Liam carries a blue-eyed recessive gene, there is a possibility that their child could inherit a blue-eyed gene from each parent and thereby have blue eyes.

Learn more about Genetic Inheritance here:


What are ethical issues in criminology


Criminological researchers confront complex ethical issues ranging from questions regarding fabrication of data, plagiarism and confidentiality to subject rights and deceptions.

You can find more on google scholar if you want
Good luck :)

Explain Agamemnon the play


Hi Brainiac

I don't really know a lot about it but let me give you some words

Is a tragedy that was first  performed  in Athens in 458 BC

The was two pays

The libation Bearers and the Eumenides

I hope that's help:0

Please can you rate my answer? thx

What recommendations and conclusions can you make on government


Well to start off with conclusions; we can make out that some common conclusions are:

Development with human thins, like resources. 
Better timing requirements.
And using the GRPA processes, that way they can improve there operations. 

And some recommendations: 

This such as the agencies need to get better at effective or so communication. 
Agencies should work together and not go against each other.
Federal programs should be evaluated generally often. 

Which of the following areas of specialization would focus on the ways in which stress is related to cancer remission?A) cognitive psychology
B) community psychology
C) health psychology
D) behavioral neuroscience


The answer would be A