Bill's facial hair is an example of a(n)A) secondary sex characteristic.
B) primary sex characteristic.
C) gender conformity behavior.
D) within-group variation.


Answer 1
Answer: I assume here that we mean the thick, characteristic hair that does not appear in women (since women also have some thin and white facial hair) - this is something that appears only at puberty and it's a physical characteristics.

This is then an example of a secondary sex characteristics - the answer is A).

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I'm pretty sure it's C) 90 minutes. 

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Hope this helped :) 

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The correct answer is b) Yanking on his hand when he tries to run away.

Unlike most behavior theorists, Albert Bandura suggested learning could also occur by

a) Observation

The answer is a)My daughter has a very long time acquisition time.

The correct answer is c) Extinguished

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