Object permanence happens in which of Piaget's stages?A) sensorimotor
B) preoperational
C) concrete operational
D) formal operational


Answer 1
Answer: Your answer is simply preoperational

Piaget's second stage, the pre-operational stage, starts when the child begins to learn to speak at age two and lasts up until the age of seven. During the Pre-operational Stage of cognitive development, Piaget noted that children do not yet understand concrete logic and cannot mentally manipulate information.

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Describe three characteristics of at-risk drivers. A.
Describe three characteristics of safe drivers.
Describe three driver errors that could cause a collision.
How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? (2-3 sentences)


The first 3)
A, an at-risk driver is someone who is recklessly driving.
B, an at-risk driver is a driver who is driving at a very high rate of speed.
C, an at-risk driver is a driver who is someone who is driving in dangerous way as in no seatbelt or being distracted. 

The second 3) 
A, A characteristic of safe drivers are they wear they're seat belts at anytime the vehicle is moving,
B, they drive at a safe speed and never act the fool while their driving
C, A safe driver always pays attention to the road and areas around him. 

and now the last 3)
Three driver errors that could cause a collision are
A, texting while driving,
B, talking on the phone while driving,(because even talking take part of your attention away from the road)
C, driving all over the road as if you're the only person there. 
Also you have to answer that last question about how will it affect you because it's asking how will affect YOU not somebody else.

What action is most closely associated with polytheism


The worshipping of more than one god

The part of the eye onto which visual information is projected is theA) cornea.
B) lens.
C) retina.
D) sclera.


A. Cornea that is the part of the eye.

The corpus callosum is responsible forA) verbal processing.
B) relaying information between the right and left hemispheres.
C) speech production.
D) sleep.


The corpus callosum is a collection of axons in the central part of the brain which connects the two hemispheres - so the correct answer is B): relaying information between the right and left hemispheres.

In patients with severe epilepsy this tissue can be cut through and they live then a life with two independent hemispheres - but surprisingly many of them can function without any problems.