True or False, A Bronsted-Lowry acid is a proton acceptor, while a Bronsted-Lowry base is a proton donor.


Answer 1
Answer: This statement is false. A Bronsted-Lowry acid is a proton DONOR and the Bronsted-Lowry base is a proton ACCEPTOR, Based on the Bronsted-Lowry definition, acids and bases are being classified whether they can donate or accept and proton. Bronsted-Lowry acid is a PROTON DONOR because it donates a proton to H2O and for the Bronsted-Lowry base, it basically accepts a proton from acids such as HCl. 

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It is B. I took the test!!

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Monopoly GO! bye bye guys i gtg

Calculate the pH of an acetic acid solution, originally 0.25 M, in water. The pKa for acetic acid = 4.76. Use the x-is-small approximation. Enter your answer with two digits after the decimal point.



Initial concentration of acetic acid (CH3COOH_initial): 0.25 M

pKa for acetic acid: 4.76

Assume x is the concentration of H+ ions formed through dissociation.

CH3COOH ⇌ x (due to dissociation)

Apply the x-is-small approximation: We assume x is much smaller than the initial concentration of acetic acid (0.25 M). Therefore, we can neglect x in comparison to 0.25 M.

Calculate pH using the pKa equation:

Rounded to two decimal places, the pH of the acetic acid solution is approximately 2.68.


An antacid tablet containing 0.50 g of NaHCO3 is dissolved in 250 mL of water. What is the molar concentration of NaHCO3 in the solution?


1 mole of NaHCO3 = 84g

1 mole of NaHCO3--------------84g
x moles of NaHCO3----------0,50g
x = 0,00595 moles of NaHCO3

0,00595 moles of NaHCO3----------in--------250ml
x moles of NaHCO3-------------------in-----------1000ml
x = 0,0238 moles of NaHCO3

answer: the molar concentration of NaHCO3 is 0,0238mol/l


An antacid tablet containing 0.50 g of NaHCO3 is dissolved in 250 mL of water. What is the molar concentration of NaHCO3 in the solution ?

  • We have the following data:

M (Molar Concentration or Molarity) = ? (in mol/L)

m (mass) = 0.50 g

V (volume) = 250 mL → 0.25 L

MM (Molar Mass of NaHCO3)

Na = 1*(23u) = 23 u

H = 1*(1u) = 1 u

C = 1*(12u) = 12 u

O = 3*(16u) = 48 u


MM (Molar Mass of NaHCO3) = 23 + 1 + 12 + 48 = 84 g/mol

  • We apply the data found to the formula of molar Concentration or Molarity, let's see:

M = (m)/(MM*V)

M = (0.50)/(84*0.25)

M = (0.50)/(21)

M = 0.023809... \to \boxed{\boxed{M \approx 0.024\:mol/L}}\:\:\:\:\:\:\bf\purple{\checkmark}


The Molar Concentration is approximately 0.024 mol/L


\bf\purple{I\:Hope\:this\:helps,\:greetings ...\:Dexteright02!}\:\:\ddot{\smile}

The reduced vapor pressure at high altitudes causes a liquid to boil at a temperature.A. Lower
B. Higher



            Lower Temperature


                        The boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a given liquid becomes equal to the external pressure or atmospheric pressure. Boiling point is mainly effected by following factors:

1) Inter-Molecular Interactions:

                                                     Greater the intermolecular interactions greater will be the boiling point because more energy is required to overcome these intermolecular interactions.


                                          Water  =  100 °C

                              Diethyl ether  =  34.5 °C

Water requires more energy because it contains hydrogen bond interactions which are considered the strongest intermolecular interactions. While, Diethyl ether lacks Hydrogen bondings.

2) External Pressure:

                                    The boiling point also varies with changing the external pressure for the same solvent. Greater the external pressure greater will be the boiling points and vice versa.



                    External Pressure                       Boiling Point

                                1 atm                                         100 °C

                             0.921 atm                                     98 °C

                             0.425 atm                                     72 °C

At higher altitudes (and thus lower atmospheric pressures), water boils at a lower temperature. This is because the lack of vapor pressure at that altitude doesn't constrain the speed of the molecules with barometric pressure. Therefore, the water begins boiling at a lower temperature. This is often a disadvantage because even if the water is boiling, it won't be hot enough for meals (which is why heat and temperature are distinct). That's why we have pressure cookers, which manage to keep a stable boiling point.
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