Which of the following is a health measure taken by the national government to improve public health?A. Providing better health facilities to underdeveloped counties.
B. Thoroughly checking food products before they are sold in the market.
C. Checking for proper sanitation and clean water supply in your community.


Answer 1
Answer: C checking for sanitation and clean water standards

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B. The full symptom list of Panic Disorder is: Shortness of breath or hyperventilation, Heart palpitations or a racing heart, Chest pain or discomfort, Trembling or shaking, Choking feeling, Feeling unreal or detached from your surroundings, Sweating, Nausea or upset stomach, Feeling dizzy, light-headed or fainting, Numbness or tingling sensations, Hot or cold flashes and Fear of dying, losing control or going crazy

When should you use aed on a patient​



If you see that someone has fainted and suspect that he or she may need an AED : Check to see if the person is breathing and has a pulse. If you cannot feel a pulse and the person is not breathing, call for emergency help. If there are other people present, one person should call 911 while the other prepares the AED .

Physical activity is only beneficial for the body and has no impact on the mind. a. True
b. False


The statement 'Physical activity is only beneficial for the body and has no impact on the mind.' is false. Physical activity actually stimulates the mind and releases some chemicals that will allow you to work more efficiently and with more focus.

Amit's friends have started complaining that he doesn't have much time to hang out because he spends too much time working, studying, and volunteering. He thinks that these things are important to put on his college applications, so he wants to continue these activities. What is the best step for Amit to try next if he continues to feel pressured by his friends?


Amit should communicate to his friends that college is important to him and he wants to make a good impression on his first choice colleges by studying, volunteering, and working. If his friends continue to pressure him, he should decide if they are really his friends or not.
He must speak with friends, explain to him that volunteering is very important, he loves to be useful, to serve others and he studies because he wants a good job later.

Worrying too much about your appearance is a sign of which challenge to mental and emotional health?


Lack of self pride and confidence. When you start worrying too much about your appearance, you lose your self confidence and also, pride. Pride is when you think you are great and awesome, its not bad to think you are great and awesome, just do not take it too far. Everyone needs confidence and pride. Self-Confidence is when we are sure of how we look and we like it also. 
Self-esteem I would say.
And if you're worried about that, don't worry about what people think about you. Because they might not have nothing there selves.
Hope my answer helped!:)

Which of these actions demonstrates unethical behavior?A. Stuart tells Jennifer of the new confidential project he is working on and other people who are involved in it.
B. Their conversation drifts to their own organization.
C. Jennifer tells Stuart about her husband's new job.
D. Jennifer and Stuart are having tea during their break time.





Stuart is violating the privacy of his confidential project. This is highly unethical. Hope this helps!

