Which one of the following steps can shield against discovery of an incident report?a. Invoking the work product doctrine
b. Conducting a peer review
c. Following HIPAA regulations
d. Reporting to the NPDB


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. Following HIPAA regulations." The step that can shield against discovery of an incident report is that of following HIPAA regulations. It has to be monitored well to avoid mistakes and falsification.
Answer 2

wrong i just took the test and it said the answer is a

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B) study of psychological disorders.
C) the distinction between psychologists and psychiatrists.
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B) study of psychological disorders.


B. Study of the psychological disorders.


The lectures of your linguistics professor, who happens to be a staunch behaviorist, clearly imply that she believes language development can be explained according to principles of conditioning. What evidence should you present to convince her that she is wrong? I don't understand why she is wrong in the first place, could someone please explain?


Well, I don't think you can present any evidence to show she is wrong. Behaviorists believe that children and any human being acquire language through conditioning - you present them with a condition under which they learn a certain language. Since this woman is a behaviorist, I don't see why she is wrong in believing what she does.

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If one of the students in your class often asks questions of your professor, and you see that the professor rolls her eyes each time the student asks a question, you might feel reluctant to ask the professor a question. If that is the case, you have experienced observational learning. 

The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning can be reduced bya. never leaving a car running in a garage
b. never backing a vehicle into a garage
c. turning on the air conditioner
d. keeping your ventilating system on the lowest setting


Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas. The combustion engine used in cars can produce very high concentrations of CO. Those who work in the garage for a long period would breath a dangerous amount of CO.Answer: A. Never leaving a car running in a garage.

The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning can be reduced by never leaving a car running in a garage.  

Further explanation

Carbon monoxide or CO is colorless, odorless and tasteless gas produced by burning wood, gasoline, and other fuel. There are many ways to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning: Install carbon monoxide detector, maintaining and servicing appliances like boiler, cooker and heater system, well-ventilated room, open garage before starting your car and use the gas appliance as recommended.

Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are including irritated eyes, headache, nausea, weakness, and dizziness. The symptoms are similar to flu and food poisoning only does not cause a high temperature. Prolonged exposure to low concentrations or very short exposure to high concentrations can cause permanent brain damage, life-threatening cardiac complication, and death.  

When you think you have been exposed to low levels of carbon monoxide, seek medical advice from GP or go to your local A&E straight away if you think you have been exposed to high levels.

Learning more

Carbon monoxide brainly.com/question/1238847

Carbon monoxide brainly.com/question/1333726

Poisonous gas brainly.com/question/1407766

Keywords: carbon monoxide, poisonous gas, early symptoms, CO poisoning

Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was thea. elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections.
b. granting of the right to vote to women.
c. elimination of the electoral college system for electing the President.
d. extension of suffrage to most African Americans.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections." Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was the elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections.

What happens at a reverse fault plane?A. Compression causes upward vertical movement.
B. Tension and shear cause horizontal movement.
C. Shear causes horizontal movement.
D. Tension causes downward vertical movement.


A reverse fault is caused by compression and tension. The layers of rock in a reverse fault are compressed until finally the tension causes part of the plate to shift and crack into an upward movement. This creates a fault line placing one part of the layer higher than the other part of the layer. The answer would be A, compression creates upward vertical movement.