Which country was NOT a part of the Allies side of the war? *Great Britain


Answer 1




Answer 2




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C. department of transportation.
D. interstate highway system.
Drivers Ed


Answer: A

Explanation:The purpose of the


 is to move goods and people as efficiently, economically and safely as possible from one place to another.

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B) how to prevent mental health issues by identifying high-risk groups in the community
C) how to pick a sympathetic jury
D) how room arrangements influence behaviors


b is the answer because the topic is the 

John has commanded his troops to defeat the attacking country’s army. He has also declared a national emergency. John is the ______ of the country.



Presidents have control of the military and control to declare a national emergency

hope this helps :)

Which is the most valid generalization to be drawn from the study of Prohibition in the United States?a. Social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce.
b. Increased taxes affect consumer spending.
c. Morality can be legislated successfully.
d. People will sacrifice willingly for the common good.


The Prohibition failed: the people found other ways to produce and transport alcohol and it only turned the alcohol market into one more dangerous and one that is not bringing taxes into the budget. If it had succeeded, we could say that c. Morality can be legislated successfully, but it failed, so the correct answer is: a. Social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce. (since it didn't have anything to do with the increase of taxes)

Answer:  D)social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce

Explanation: Despite the attempts by the government to get people to act a certain way, the ‘Noble Experiment’ failed miserably. The government realized that people’s desire to make an informed and social decision that was long-established was going to negate its efforts to criminalize alcohol.

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B) posttraumatic stress disorder
C) a depressive episode
D) a manic episode


b.) posttraumatic stress disorder

Volume, mass, center of gravity, and density are examples of which of the following?


All three of them are used for measuring mass.
They all are use for mass measuring.