If you're an adherent of Freudian psychology, you maintain that dreams may represent A. the equivalent of an off-line computer clearing its circuits.
B. unfulfilled wishes.
C. concerns that trouble people during waking hours.
D. novel stimuli that trigger the deep unconscious.


Answer 1

unfulfilled wishes correct answer

Answer 2
Answer: Freud believed that dreams were a "royal road to... the unconscious." 

With that said, I would go with D.

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Taking The First Letter Of Each Word In A List Of Items And Using Those Letters To Spell A Name Or Thing Is Called A


It's called an acronym when you abbreviate a sentence based on the first letter of each word and an anagram when you make a new word out of a different word. Most likely the answer you're looking for would be acronym though
If you mean something like
Then that is called an acrostic.

Senator Joseph McCarthy built his power on the issue of thea. need to weaken the role of Congress.
b. extent of communist influence in the federal government.
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d. importance of improving race relations.


yes you he she good like c yes sex you

1. Define, as simply as you can, reinforcement and punishment.2. Explain how one might accomplish reinforcement and punishment through the use of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. Include examples where appropriate.



1. Reinforcement and punishment are two separate things. Reinforcement is used to increase the tendency of a particular response, while on the other hand, punishment is used to decrease the tendency of a particular response.

2. To accomplish reinforcement, one may use positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the addition of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular response. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, the student gets to go to the ice cream shop. Negative reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the removal of an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular behavior. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, they no don't have to wash the dishes that night.

To accomplish punishment, one may use positive punishment or negative punishment. Positive punishment is a type of punishment in which an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response/behavior. For example, a teen stays out past curfew and now has to do extra chores. Negative punishment is a type of punishment in which the removal of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response. An example of this would be a child getting in trouble and having her favorite toy taken away.




1. Reinforcement is when you are rewarded for doing something right. Punishment is to teach you that you are not doing something right and you must learn from it.



WORTH 20 POINTS!:)1. True or False
Hypnotic suggestion has been shown to help patients prep and recover from surgery.

2. True or False
Hypnosis is commonly used by athletes to control their performance anxiety.

3. True or False
Everyone can be hypnotized.

4. True or False
Some believe that the effects of hypnosis may not be from hypnosis but from people believing that hypnosis works.


1. True, a significant number of people have shown speedier recovery with hypnosis, and surgical wounds heal faster. But the same has been seen with prayer. And zen meditation.

2. True, many athletes—and musicians, and dancers—have used hypnosis to overcome performance anxiety. The same can be said of Bach flower remedy. Or, again, zen meditation.

3. False, not everyone can be hypnotized. Probably the biggest reason is that one must be willing, otherwise no attempt at hypnosis is going to be effective.

4. Of course true, many people believe the effects of hypnosis come from people believing it will work. And the same can be said of prayer, and Bach flower remedies, and meditation, etc...

There is evidence that the mind can influence healing in the body. Perhaps the effectiveness of hypnosis is primarily or entirely due to the expectation that it will work. Perhaps that is the definition of hypnosis anyway.
1) True, there are reports of hypnosis helping people recover from fears as well as surgeries. 2) False, most athletes prefer to maintain in the clearest state of mind in advance of athletic endeavors. 3) False, there are reports of people not being able to be hypnotized. 4) True, many believe you have to believe in hypnosis for it to work.

Michelle and Andrea are walking laps for charity. The amount of money, y, that each girl raises for a certain number of laps, x, is shown in the tables below.Michelle
A 2-column table with 3 rows. Column 1 is labeled x with entries 10, 30, 60. Column 2 is labeled y with entries 15, 45, 90.
A 2-column table with 3 rows. Column 1 is labeled x with entries 20, 32, 40. Column 2 is labeled y with entries 25, 40, 50.

Which statement explains who will raise $100 with the fewest number of laps?


Answer: Michelle will, because the slope of the line described by the data in her table is the greatest



