An investment of $6.599.20 earns 42% interest compounded monthly over 7 years. Approximately how much interest is earned on the investment?


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:









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The answer is:(29760)/(6) or 4960 


The parking lot for a hotel should have 114 parking spaces. If ech row can have 13 parking spaces, then the minimum nukber of rows should be?


So @mathmate deleted my comment because "I wasn't explaining my answer" well I did

I clearly stated that you have to make educated guess and I showed how I GOT my answer

so i guess here is my "proper" answer

There is no specific formula for this, so you can make an educated guess

for example:

13*5 = 65 (this isn't right because we need a minimum of 114)

so we continue the guessing

I then next tried


I got 117,

117 is more than 113

making 9 the minimum amount of rows for the hotel parking lot

there ya go @mathmate is that clear enough?



Disjunction is OR, written like a right side up ∨.  The upside down V is conjunction, AND, written ∧.

Let's make the disjunction truth table.

A  B   A ∨ B

F  F       F

F T       T

T F       T

T T       T

A or B is true when either A is true or B is true or both.  It's false when they're both false.    That's called inclusive OR.

Answer:   C

Interestingly, in the original algebra created by Boole, he preferred exclusive OR, written A^B.   A^B is false when both A and B are true, but otherwise like inclusive OR.  When we do it this way, exclusive OR is like addition mod 2 and AND is multiplication mod 2, so the algebra of Boole was more like regular algebra than what we call Boolean algebra today.

I agree with c and you are very smart to think c I agree

Describe how 0.05 and 0.005 compared


0.05 is on the place of hundred and 0.005 is on the place of thousand
Well they all have the same numbers but one of them have an extra zero before the five.

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A train has an average speed of 18 miles per hour. How long will it take to travel 270 miles?


i believe the answer is 15 because if you divide 270/18 you get 15 
ratio and proportion

18 miles/1 hr= 270 miles/x hrs
cross multiply
18x= 270
   x= 15 hrs

hope this helps