Why cant the moon be eclipsed when it is halfway between the nodes of its orbit?


Answer 1

The reason why the moon can't be eclipsed when it's halfway between the nodes of the orbit because the moon's orbit is at it's maximum deviation, meaning that it is leaving it's course from the sun's path, which would make the shadow fall way below or above the moon. Because of that, the moon can't eclipsed.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The Moon cannot be eclipsed when it is halfway between the nodes of its orbit due to its 5° tilt relative to the ecliptic. Eclipses can only happen during 'eclipse season' when the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic. The apparent varying sizes of the Moon and Sun from Earth also factor into whether an eclipse can occur.


The Moon cannot be eclipsed when it is halfway between the nodes of its orbit because of the tilt in its orbit relative to the ecliptic, or the path of the Sun on the celestial sphere. The Moon's orbit is tilted by about 5° relative to the ecliptic. So, if you imagine two hula hoops with a common center, representing the orbits of the Moon and Sun, they are tilted slightly towards each other. This means that most months, the Moon is above or below the ecliptic plane and thus cannot enter into Earth's shadow for an eclipse to occur.

Only when the path of the Moon crosses the ecliptic, during what's known as an 'eclipse season', can eclipses occur. This happens twice a year. In other words, an eclipse can only happen if the Moon is at or very near to one of the nodes of its orbit when it is at full for a lunar eclipse or new for a solar eclipse.

An additional factor causing the Moon to avoid being eclipsed is the varying apparent sizes of the Sun and the Moon from our viewpoint. At times, the Moon appears smaller than the Sun, meaning it can't entirely cover the Sun even with perfect alignment for a total solar eclipse to occur. This is known as an 'annular eclipse' that leaves a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon.

Learn more about Lunar Eclipses here:



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