An artificial satellite circling the Earth completes each orbit in 129 min(a) Find the altitude of the satellite.

(b) What is the value of g at the location of this satellite?​


Answer 1

(a) 2.09\cdot 10^6 m above Earth's surface

The orbital speed of a satellite orbiting the Earth can be found using the equation



G is the gravitational constant

M=5.98\cdot 10^(24) kg is the Earth's mass

r is the radius of the satellite's orbit

The orbital speed can also be rewritten as the ratio between the circumference of the orbit and the orbital period, T:

(2\pi r)/(T)


T = 129 min = 7740 s is the period

Combining the two equations,

(2\pi r)/(T)=\sqrt{(GM)/(r)}

And solving for r,

((2\pi)^2 r^2)/(T^2)=(GM)/(r)\nr=\sqrt[3]{(GMT^2)/((2\pi)^2)}=\sqrt[3]{((6.67\cdot 10^(-11))(5.98\cdot 10^(24))(7740)^2)/((2\pi)^2)}=8.46\cdot 10^6 m

This is, however, the orbital radius: this means we have to subtract the Earth's radius to find the altitude of the satellite, which is

R=6.37\cdot 10^6 m

therefore, the altitude of the satellite is

h=r-R=8.46\cdot 10^6 - 6.37\cdot 10^6 =2.09\cdot 10^6 m

b) 5.57 m/s^2

The value of g at the location of the satellite is given by



G is the gravitational constant

M=5.98\cdot 10^(24) kg is the Earth's mass

r=8.46 \cdot 10^6 m is the radius of the satellite's orbit

Substituting into the equation, we find

g=((6.67\cdot 10^(-11))(5.98\cdot 10^(24)))/((8.46\cdot 10^6)^2)=5.57 m/s^2

Answer 2

Final answer:

The satellite orbits at an altitude of approximately 800 km. The gravitational constant, 'g', at this location is approximately 8.66 m/s^2.


The orbital period of an artificial satellite can be used to calculate the altitude at which it orbits. For a satellite that completes each orbit in 129 min (or approximately 2.15 hr), we can apply Kepler's third law which states that the square of the period of a satellite is proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis (distance from the center of the Earth to the satellite).

The formula for the altitude is given by: h = [(GMT^2)/(4π^2)]^(1/3) - R, where G is the gravitational constant, M the mass of Earth, T the orbital period, and R the Earth's radius. With the values G=6.67 x 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2, M=5.98 x 10^24 kg, T=2.15 hr = 7740s, and R=6.371 x 10^6 m, we get h approximately equals 800 km.

The value of 'g' at the satellite's location is given by g = GM/(R+h)^2. Substituting the aforementioned values, we get g to be approximately 8.66 m/s^2. This is less than the 9.81 m/s^2 at Earth's surface due to the increased distance from the Earth's center.

Learn more about Artificial Satellite Orbit here:


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1.Sound Energy- is produced when an object is made to vibrate. Sound energy travels out as waves in all directions. Sound needs a medium to travel through, such as air, water, wood, and even metal!
Examples: Voices, whistles, horns and musical instruments.

Chemical Energy - is really a form of potential energy and is the energy stored in food, gasoline or chemical combinations.
Examples: Striking a match, combining vinegar and baking soda to form CO2 Gas, breaking light sticks releases chemical energy.

Radiant Energy - is a combination of heat and light energy. Light energy, like sound energy, travels out in all directions in waves.
Examples: A light bulb, the glowing coils on a toaster, the sun, and even headlights on cars.

Mechanical Energy - is moving energy. It is the form that we most see around us. All moving objects produce mechanical energy. The movements within machines is also mechanical energy.
Examples: People, a rolling bicycle, moving gears, and running cars.

Atomic Energy - is produced when you split atoms. A tremendous amount of energy is released when this happens. 
Examples:Atomic bombs, nuclear power plants, nuclear submarines, and the sun.

lectrical Energy - Energy produced by electrons moving through a substance is known as electrical energy. We mostly see electric energy in batteries and from the outlets in our homes. Electrical energy lights our homes, run motors, and makers our TVs and radios work.
Examples: CD players, TVs and Video games.

Final answer:

The six forms of energy are chemical, thermal, nuclear, electrical, mechanical, and light energy. Each has different characteristics and uses, such as chemical energy being stored in potential changes or light energy being visible to the human eye.


Energy exists in many forms. Here are six common forms of energy:

  1. Chemical Energy: It is the potential of a chemical substance to undergo a transformation through a chemical reaction to transform into other substances.
  2. Thermal Energy: It is the internal energy present in a system due to its temperature.
  3. Nuclear Energy: The energy in the nucleus of an atom. It can be obtained through two methods, namely fission (splitting of atoms) and fusion (joining of atoms).
  4. Electrical Energy: Form of energy caused by the movement of electrons.
  5. Mechanical Energy: It's a sum of potential and kinetic energy. It is associated with the motion and position of an object.
  6. Light Energy: It is a form of energy that is visible to the human eye.

Learn more about Forms of Energy here:


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Making a wire thicker has the same effect as making a road wider. It makes it easier for the electron traffic to flow. The resistance decreases, and the current (traffic) increases.

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The average speed of an object is defined as the distance traveled divided by the time elapsed. Velocity is a vector quantity, and average velocity can be defined as the displacement divided by the time. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

How does lightning occur?


I've learned that lighting occurs when clouds  in the sky bump into each other. The harder the clouds bump into each other, the louder and bigger the lighting gets :D

The positive and negative electrons split in the cloud

Positive going to the bottom of the cloud and negative to the top.

Since you are made of negative electrons, you attract the positive electrons to you causing you to get struck by lightning.

The ground has negative electrons too!

This will shock the ground and end up shocking you as well, since the ground and you are connected.

Lightning and thunder are connected! They do happen at the same time. The reason why the thunder travels later than the lightning is because you are away from the lightning and the sound waves are just getting near you

B.) How are thunderstorms dangerous?

Thunderstorms are dangerous because they give off positive energy. If you are standing outside while a thunderstorm is in session, you could get shocked since you are made of negative energy and attract positive energy.

If your hair is sticking straight up, you are about to be struck by lightning. Crouch down and cover your head next to your ears and prepare for impact.

You might ask, "Why can't I just run from the lightning?" That is true, but since you aren't faster than light itself, you will still wind up caught in the storm.

Avoid this by staying inside.

Hope this helps <3

A Carnot heat engine has an efficiency of 0.400. If it operates between a deep lake with a constant temperature of 298.0k and a hot reservoir, what is the temperature of the hot reservoir?



496.7 K


The efficiency of a Carnot engine is given by the equation:

\eta = 1 - (T_H)/(T_L)


T_H is the temperature of the hot reservoir

T_C is the temperature of the cold reservoir

For the engine in the problem, we know that

\eta = 0.400 is the efficiency

T_C = 298.0 K is the temperature of the cold reservoir

Solving for T_H, we find:

(T_C)/(T_H)=1-\eta\nT_H = (T_C)/(1-\eta) =(298.0)/(1-0.400)=496.7 K