A community includes A. all of the living organisms in a specific place at a specific time.
B. only the plants in a specific place at a specific time.
C. all plants, animals, minerals, and water in a specific place at a specific time.
D. only the animals in a specific place at a specific time.


Answer 1
Answer: It includes all the living organisms in a specific place at a specific time :) A population is all of one species, and an ecosystem is all the plants, animals, minerals, and water.
Answer 2
Answer: the answer that you want is A.

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the Coriolis effect
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form from condensation
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1- Option (b)

2- Option (b)

3- Option (a)

4- Option (c)

5- Option (a), (b) and (d)

6- Option (d)


The equatorial region receives more sunlight than the polar region, so the places near equator are warmer than the places at the polar region, including the 80 degrees N latitude.

Seasons are caused due to the tiltation of the earth and the relative position of earth with respect to the sun.

Due to the increasing temperature near the earth's surface, the warm air rises up in the atmosphere, being less denser and eventually sinks due to the lowering temperature.

When there occurs the temperature difference between two different regions, then wind is generated blowing from the region of higher pressure to the region of low pressure.

Clouds are formed when condensation process takes place and are a good albedo that reflects significant amount of sunlight back into the space. Clouds during condensation starts precipitating in the form of rainfall, snowfall and fog.

The difference in the temperature occurs because of the unequal heating of the land surface and the ocean. The land area gets heated up faster and more readily, in comparison to the ocean. So the sea breeze as well as the land breeze occurs. Sea breeze blows from the ocean surface to the land area, whereas land breeze blows from the land area towards the oceans.

1. The equator receives more direct sunlight because of the tilt of the earth

2. The earth's tilt resulting in uneven heating and cooling of the earth

3. Cools as it rises, and cool air then sinks

4. Form from condensation, Reflect sunlight back into space,  
Cause precipitation, you might want to do a little research on this one because technically greenhouse gases such as CO2 trap sunlight in the atmosphere so I think I got them all

5. And Coastal breezes one :)

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an example would be us humans we captive breed them then kill them. So they could adapt and avoid the predator but still get hunted down.

What must be done to ensure DNA made is a laboratory is radioactive



Incorporating radioactive nucleotide must be done to ensure DNA made is a laboratory is radioactive


Radioactive nucleotide are generally used in the detection of some specific nucleic acid series. These are the typically incorporated inside the DNA and RNA series for detection as well as analysis. These nucleotide involves radioactive phosphates, digoxygenin, biotin, fluorophores and enzymes. It was first used in 1935 by George de Hevesy. P32 and S35 labelled as the nucleic probes and now the phosphates is being in large use. Hydrogen can also be used in-situ hybridisation which gives greater resolution and less sensitive in long exposure.

Incorporating radioactive nucleotides