As a result of the Persian wars


Answer 1
Answer: They got to change their military and strike and destroy a divided Persia.
Answer 2
Answer: They destroyed a divided Persia

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   Unemployment is a crisis that is currently tearing through our nation. When considering problems that are running rampant through our nation, no challenge seems as prevalent as our economy. However, jobs -or the lack thereof- are driving US citizens to a point of no return. In fact, as of May 2015, the US unemployment rate was 5.5%. This is less than prior years, but is still far to high to be acceptable. However, several efforts have been made to reduce the number of unemployed Americans, many to great effect. 
   Americans who are unemployed receive several great benefits through the government in an effort to help get them back on their feet and into a career. Some great programs include employment subsides, which provide the recently unemployed a small income to get by and reenter the job force. As well as education and training for those undergoing long-term unemployment. These social services encourage others to persevere through their struggles and be resilient. However, even with these programs, unemployment continues to be a critical problem in the US. 
   In the United States, we are provided the right to pursue our own happiness. A large part of this is developing a strong and lasting career path. With unemployment effecting a large portion of Americans, we find ourselves at a crossroads. However, we must join together in order to fight against unemployment. Government assistance will be key in leading this final charge against this struggle; but we must take an active part in making the change that our nation needs. 

Which of the following is not t reason for why local culture makes places unique


Answer: Coordinates of latitude and longitude provide an exact location.


The uniqueness of a place has a lot to do with the development of local culture, especially in regard to its cuisine, the organization of events around holidays and traditions, and the extension of music and arts. On the other hand, coordinates of latitude and longitude, while providing an exact location for a certain place, have little to do with the local culture and its uniqueness.

The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. Coordinates of latitude and longitude provide an exact location."

Here are the following choices:
A. Diverse populations and ethnicities combine to create new cuisines. 
B. Shared religious beliefs often result in unique holidays and traditions. 
C. Music and the arts are influenced by regional elements. 
D. Coordinates of latitude and longitude provide an exact location.

Which of the following nations were among members of NATO during the Cold War? France and East Germany
West Germany and the United States
Soviet Union and West Germany
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The nations that were among members of NATO during the Cold War is West Germany and the United States.

What countries were part of NATO during the Cold War?

The NATO was made up of five Treaty of Brussels states and also United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.

Note that the nations that were among members of NATO during the Cold War is West Germany and the United States.

Learn more about NATO from


the initial countries were the USA, Canada, France, Britain, Benelux, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Greece, and Italy. Most countries to the East of Europe fell under the Warsaw Pact of the USSR (1955) under communistic, Soviet control.

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Who became king of France after Napoleon was exiled? Louis XVIII Georges Danton Joseph Guillotin Joseph Bonaparte


It was "Louis XVIII" who became king of France after Napoleon was exiled, since many French people during this time wanted to bring back some of the traditional aspects of rule. 


Louis XVIII became king of France after Napoleon was exiled.


Louis XVIII of France was king of France and of Navarre between 1814 and 1824, with the exception of the brief period known as the Hundred Days in which Napoleon briefly regained power, being the first monarch of the Bourbon restoration in France.