Before donating a computer, you should use a program to wipe the hard disk to remove all of its data


Answer 1
Answer: If that's the case then it's a TRUE statement, because before donating a computer, you should use a program to wipe the hard disk drive to remove all of its data so no important data you had went to the wrong person. 

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If there is an about page where it tells whom made the website, as well as a copyright 2016 on the bottom of the page. This basically means the website is useful and updated by the creators. Another factor which the site doesnt always need but if it has an https at the beginning of the url then it should be good and valid because that means the site is secured. Also factor in the sections where articles are present, if they have a date and an author towards the bottom or top of the article, then it can be trusted as well. Theres a lot more you can look for in a site and validating if it is an okay site but these are a few examples. Hope this helped!:)

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Answer: MS-DOS


Refilling ink and toner cartridges unfortunatley consumes more energy than manufacturing new ones


In someways it is. But the real reason why others suggest not to refill ink cartridges is that, these cartridges unfortunately changes in quality. It does not give you the same quality print as the 1st time you have been with it.

3. Let A = {1, 5, 7, 11}. Show that (A, *) is a group, where * is a binary operator defined as x * y = (x ⋅ y) mod 24. Determine the identity and the inverse of each element. 4. Consider the group A in Exercise 3, a. Prove or disprove that A has a subgroup of order 2. b. Prove or disprove that A has a subgroup of order 3.



To show that (A, *) is a group, we need to verify four conditions: closure, associativity, identity, and inverses.

1. Closure: For any x, y in A, x * y = (x ⋅ y) mod 24. Since the product of any two elements in A is also in A, closure is satisfied.

2. Associativity: The binary operator * is associative if (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) for all x, y, z in A. Since multiplication and modulo operations are associative, the binary operator * is also associative.

3. Identity: An identity element e in A should satisfy x * e = e * x = x for all x in A. Let's check each element in A:

1 * 1 = (1 ⋅ 1) mod 24 = 1 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

5 * 5 = (5 ⋅ 5) mod 24 = 25 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

7 * 7 = (7 ⋅ 7) mod 24 = 49 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

11 * 11 = (11 ⋅ 11) mod 24 = 121 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

None of the elements in A satisfy the condition for an identity element, so (A, *) does not have an identity element.

4. Inverses: For each element x in A, there should exist an element y in A such that x * y = y * x = e, where e is the identity element. Since (A, *) does not have an identity element, it also does not have inverses.

Therefore, (A, *) does not form a group.

For exercise 4:

a. To prove that A has a subgroup of order 2, we need to find two elements in A whose binary operation results in the identity element (which we determined does not exist). Therefore, A does not have a subgroup of order 2.

b. To prove that A has a subgroup of order 3, we need to find three elements in A whose binary operation results in the identity element (which we determined does not exist). Therefore, A does not have a subgroup of order 3.

a school logo requires 5 different colours. how many BITs will be required for each pixel? (please help)


There will be 3 BITs for each Pixel