What do you call a plant that does not have a woody stem?


Answer 1
Answer: I think it is herbaceous stems. 

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b. father


A boy who has hemophilia inherited the disorder from his, a. mother

Which term describes the chromosomal abnormality of having extra chromosomes?


The term is polysomy. The prefix "poly-" means many and "somy" has to do with chromosomes. So, polysomy means that there is an extra chromosome. This abnormality occurs not only in humans, but also in plants, fungi, etc.




What are some reasons that humans need to be concerned with our environment? explain.


we need to be concerned with our enviroment beacuse we need to  take care  of were we live  like picking up trash and not havng that much polution and to plant more trees because they help  us breath  by giving us oxygen 
because we need to be able to stay on the earth long
, and if we don;t take care of the earth what will the animals and us be like.

Intrusive igneous rock forms in magma or lava on the Earth’s surface as it cools. T or FGems are most valuable when they are clear, bright, and easily found. T or F


the first one is F., Hope that helps 
Gems are most valuable when they are clear, bright, and easily found.FALSE

Which series lists the correct order of steps of binary fission from first to last?


Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction, and /or rather an asexual reproduction common in most prokaryotes.
This function happens when the organism divides itself producing another replica of its genetic material and now altogether as the organism itself. 


Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction, and /or rather an asexual reproduction common in most prokaryotes.

This function happens when the organism divides itself producing another replica of its genetic material and now altogether as the organism itself.

What fraction of the fossil fuel emissions in the United States could be absorbed by converting 25% of agricultural land in the U.S. to native forests?


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "B. Approximately 20 %" The fraction of the fossil fuel emissions in the United States that could be absorbed by converting 25% of agricultural land in the U.S. to native forests is 20%.

Here are the following choices:
A. approximately 10 %
B. Approximately 20 %
C. approximately 30 %
D. Approximately 40 %

approximately 20%



Question 1  

The principal characteristic that differentiates temperate and tropical rainforests is __________.


Question 2

Which of the following are important products of rainforests?

all of the choices

Question 3

Which of the following best describes the use of rainforest plants as anticancer drugs?

Twenty-five percent of the active ingredients in cancer drugs are exclusively rainforest plants.

Question 4

Which of the following is the most direct method for combating rainforest deforestation?


Question 5

The sustainable use of rainforest resources is exemplified by _______.

harvesting nuts

Question 6

Which of the following best describes the impact of rainforest deforestation on global precipitation?

The pattern of global precipitation is altered.

Question 7

A forester is _______

a person who manages and supervises land used for timber production

Question 8

Which of the following is a technology used by foresters?

all of the choices

Question 9

Even-aged management practices involves clearing trees that _______.

are all near the same age

Question 10

Which of the following forest management practices is best for reestablishing areas of forest?


Question 11

How do trees act as carbon sinks?

all of the choices

Question 12

How does the destruction of forests contribute to levels of atmospheric carbon?

Fewer trees leads to smaller amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed from the atmosphere.

Question 13

What fraction of the fossil fuel emissions in the United States could be absorbed by converting 25% of agricultural land in the U.S. to native forests?

approximately 20%

Question 14

Why is clearcutting an especially damaging forestry practice for species that rely upon older trees for their survival?

Clearcutting removes all trees in a stand, old and young.