Why was Justinian's Code created?


Answer 1
Answer: The Justinian's Code was created due to the empire's laws which were in a state of disorder. The laws were not written down, so some people could have forgotten them, or simply made them up and get away with it. So, Justinian gathered up all of the existing laws. He created a book of current and new laws. Some of the elements featured in Justinian's Code were: Institutes of Justinian, Codex, Code, and Novels. A few of the laws were about religion, which one of the laws required that every person under authority of the empire, to keep the Christian faith. 

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Which of these resources from conquered lands was a major contributor to Rome's economic growth. A. merchants
B. metals
C. technology
D. taxes


I believe the answer is B, metals.


The answer is definitely B. Metals.


Which of the following statements is not true of both the First Crusade,launched in 1095 CE, and the Fourth Crusade, launched a century later?
A. Each set out to conquer Jerusalem.
B. Each helped expand the influence of Christianity.
C. Each was initiated by a pope.
D. Each was undertaken in response to Islamic expansion.


Your answer would be B because they did not BOTH expand the influence of Christianity.

Final answer:

The statement that is not true of both the First and Fourth Crusade is 'Each set out to conquer Jerusalem'. While the First Crusade did aim for this, the Fourth Crusade ended up sacking the Christian city of Constantinople instead.


The statement that is not true of both the First Crusade, launched in 1095 CE, and the Fourth Crusade, launched a century later is 'Each set out to conquer Jerusalem'. While the First Crusade did aim to conquer Jerusalem, the Fourth Crusade, due to a series of complex political and economic events, ended up sacking Constantinople, a Christian city, instead of marching on to Jerusalem. Both were indeed initiated by Popes, both expanded the influence of Christianity, and both were responses in some way to Islamic expansion, but the objective of conquering Jerusalem was not a shared characteristic of the First and Fourth Crusades.

Learn more about Crusades here:



Which two regions have the ring of fire surrounding the Pacific Ocean?


the two regions have the ring of fire surrounding the Pacific ocean is the japan trench and the middle american trench 

what did the Babylonians develop through their study of astronomy A. the first 12-month calendar B. a calendar that predicted lunar eclipses C. a theory that the earth revolved around the sun D. a telescope to observe the planets


a. I hope this helped I am pretty sure this is the answer

The correct answer is A) the first 12 month calendar. I learned that last year.

How do you plan to continue exploring careers on your own?


If you want to do that you will have to get different degrees and an education for what you want to do. Such as an entrepreneur. You will have to know how to have leadership and know how to hold you organization together.
All of these are examples of a career and you will make good paying money such as 30,000-23 million a year.
But to answer your question, you will have to have an education and know how to do the job you want. Take the example I gave you.
Hope it helped!:)
I plan to continue exploring careers on my own by keeping my grades up. Try not to keep enemies against me and go through life as a good person. What about you.

1) A relatively new domestic issue that has emerged in the United States since the 1980s is


Answer choices are:

A) Hyperinflation.

B) Racially-inspired riots.

C) Mass demonstrations to protest the war.

D) Terrorism at home against U.S. citizens and institutions.

Correct answer choice is:

D) Terrorism at home against U.S. citizens and institutions.

Domestic terrorism means violence against the civilians and the innocent public of the nation or the infrastructure including buildings, bridges, dams etc., of a nation. Sometimes it is the people of the nation and infrequently with the intent to terrify, threaten, or influence national policies. Terrorist act of terrorism is usually connected to "lone wolf" terrorism.

 Hyperinflation          is the answer, im pretty sure .