Select all that apply. Select the correctly spelled plural forms. fish fishes countries bookes books Milleres


Answer 1
Answer: fishes is correct, books is correct , countries is correct
Answer 2

Fish is plural

Fishes is plural

Countries is plural

Books is plural

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B. use
C. pronounce
D. read


In order for a new word to be maintained in your vocabulary, you must "use" it, but of course it should be noted that you should try to do all of these options as well. 
you should use it so it would be maintained in ur vocabulary ;) 

Read the following excerpt from “The Cask of Amontillado” and answer the question.At the most remote end of the crypt there appeared another less spacious. Its walls had been lined with human remains, piled to the vault overhead, in the fashion of the great catacombs of Paris. Three sides of this interior crypt were still ornamented in this manner. From the fourth side the bones had been thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon the earth, forming at one point a mound of some size.

What is the meaning of the underlined word promiscuously as it is used in the passage?




The meaning of the underlined word "promiscuously" as it is used in the passage is the following one:



If the bones lay "promiscuously" upon the earth, it means they did not lay there in a particular order, that is, they were simply thrown there in a completely random way. In other words, the bones lay "haphazardly" upon the earth.

the answer to the question is impurely

What literary device is used in these lines from \"Music, When Soft Voices Die (To--)\" by Percy Shelley?. . Odors, when sweet violets sicken. . Live within the sense they quicken.. .



I too believe the answer to be letter B) alliteration.


The lines we must analyze are:

"Odors, when sweet violets sicken,

Live within the sense they quicken."

By defining each of the devices provided in the question, we can choose the one that applies to those lines. A metaphor is comparison between two different things stated without the help of support words ("like" or "as"). A metaphor claims that "thing A is thing B", for example: your eyes are stars. In the lines above, we do not have a metaphor. There is no comparison being made.

Alliteration is a literary device in which sounds or letters at the beginning of words that are close to each other in a structure are repeated. Such repetition creates mood and rhythm. That is precisely what we have in the lines above. The letter s is repeat in three close words:

"Odors, when sweet violets sicken,

Live within the sense they quicken."

An allusion is a figure of speech in which a reference is made to something or someone, but in an indirect manner. For instance: you are more beautiful than Aphrodite - that's an allusion to a Greek mythology figure. The author does not explain who Aphrodite is, he simply mentions her trusting the audience will grasp the reason why she was mentioned. We do not have an allusion in Shelley's lines.

Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which the author of a poem speaks directly to someone who is not there, someone who is dead, or an inanimate object. As we can note, that does not happen in the lines we are studying. If the speaker had been talking to the odors instead of about them, then we would have an apostrophe.

The correct answer would be B. alliteration

Im 100% sure that the correct answer!!!

We never eat out, since restaurant food is expensive. what is the independent clause?



we never eat out



"we never eat out" is the independent clause


independent clauses can be separated to form a complete sentence

"since restaurant food is expensive" is not a proper sentence, it is a dependent clause

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A.object of a preposition
C.subject object


The answer is A.Object of a Preposition. c:

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the man who always thunk smart and help people out sometimes
which passage?
comment under this thing to tell me.