How does the melting of ice caps near the North Pole affect the salinity of the ocean?


Answer 1
Answer: The salinity of the water goes down as the icecaps melt. That is because the icecaps are fresh water, meaning there's no salt in that ice. If they melt rapidly, the water mixes with the ocean water that is salty and since fresh water is added, the salinity reduces and the oceans become less salty.

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Answer: 3-5%. I hope you find all your apex answers lol ;)

Ciri ciri basidimycota


memiliki ukuran yang makroskopis.

Pls help!!!
also explain the answer plss


Answer: Line A is the enzyme, and Line B is the no enzyme


The reaction rate of a chemical reaction is greatly impacted by the presence of an enzyme. Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up the chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. Without an enzyme, the reaction rate may be slow or even non-existent, whereas with an enzyme, the reaction rate can be significantly increased.

In order to compare the reaction rate with and without an enzyme, a graph can be plotted with time on the x-axis and the amount of product formed on the y-axis. The reaction without the enzyme would have a slower rate of product formation and would result in a lower slope on the graph. On the other hand, the reaction with the enzyme would have a sharper rate of product formation and would result in a steeper slope on the graph.

It is important to note that the reaction rate with an enzyme can only be increased up to a certain point, as the enzyme can become saturated with substrate molecules. At this point, the reaction rate will plateau and adding more substrate will not increase the rate of product formation.

Understanding the role of enzymes in chemical reactions is crucial in fields such as biochemistry and pharmacology, as many drugs and therapies work by targeting specific enzymes in the body. By manipulating the activity of enzymes, scientists can alter the rates of chemical reactions and ultimately impact physiological processes.

Why are voluntary muscles also known as skeletal muscles?



Skeletal muscle is called voluntary because you can control this type of muscle. You can voluntarily choose to move them. These muscles attach to bones, move the skeleton, and are found in the arms, legs, neck, or anywhere you can voluntarily move a body part. These muscles produce strong contractions.


What do parasitism, predation, and commensalism have in common? How are they different?


They are all relationships involving two animals where at least one animal benefits.
Parasitism- Where one organism benefits while the other is harmed. Examples-Mosquitos, ticks
Predation- Where one animal benefits and the other is harmed (or DEAD)
Example- Shark eats seal.
Commensalism- Where one organism benefits while the other is unaffected. Example-Bird riding on cows horns.

Which of these options represents the correct flow of events during meiosis II?A.
Sister chromatids pulled to opposite poles, nucleoli form, cytokinesis
Sister chromatids pulled to opposite poles, nuclear envelope disappears, cytokinesis
Cytokinesis, sister chromatids pulled to opposite poles, nucleoli disappear





that seems to be the best one