10 POINTS!Why was it economically necessary for the East Germans to build the Berlin Wall?


Answer 1

During the early years of the Cold War, West Berlin was a geographical loophole through which thousands of East Germans fled to the democratic West. In response, the Communist East German authorities built a wall that totally encircled West Berlin. It was thrown up overnight, on 13 August 1961.

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Which of the following statements best describes the importance of the Battle of Guadalcanal?A.
The Japanese increased their reach south toward Australia and New Zealand.

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B. Allied forces began to take the offensive for the first time in the Pacific






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1. Which of the following does the image below represent? 1st picA. The CCC

B. The Bonus March

C. The banking crisis

2. Which of the following New Deal programs provided this worker with a job? Think of which one most applies to the building and construction of things. 2nd pic

A. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

B. The Securities and Exchange Commission

C. The Tennessee Valley Authority


1st pic

B. The Bonus March

1932: WW1 veterans and their families marched to Washington claiming the payment of their war bonus.

During the great depression, which started in 1929, many people went broke and were unemployed beceause of the financial crisis.

For the war veterans, the situation wasn't better:  many of them lost their jobs and fortunes. Devastated, they asked President Hoover to give them their veterans bonus in advanced. The US Treasury assign each WW1 veteran a bonus with the value of 1 dolar o 1,25 dolar depending on each day they served America in the country or abroad. In 1924 the Congress pass the bonus bill, so by 1945 the veterans would have perceived the amounts with their corresponding interests charges.

They camped near the river and the Congress, keeping the camp in calm and order.  On the 17th of June, the advance bonus payment was disallow by the Capitol and the General Attorney, William Mitchell, gave the order to the police to exit the marchers. The marchers resisted and the police killed to people. President Hoover was concerned and asked General in Chief Douglas MacArthur to complete the expulsion sowing caos and destruction among the veterans and their families.


2nd pic

C. The Tennessee Valley Authority

Among New Deal programs, relief /recovery /reform strategies, The Tennessee Valley Authority was a program designed to encourage Public Work by building dams in the Tennessee river Valley. By these programs the Government wanted to lower the unemployement. It generated over 40.000 jobs.

Also by building this dams, the near Tennessee Valley population benefited from cheap electricity.

i have a project and i need to explain why the 9th amendment is important and needs to be ratified. I understand it but I can't really put into words why it needs to be in the bill of rights and why it's important


The ninth amendment reserves all rights that are not listed in the Constitution to the people. The 9th Amendment to the Constitution reads like this: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

How would you characterize the impact of the Great Depression


the great depression led to many fall backs among millions of americans during FDR's presidency. It was an atrocious event after the stock market crashed on October 24th, 1929. Banks, Companies, Bonds, Stocks, Agriculture, etc... were all massively impact by thus event. This led to the creation of the New Deal in 1933 to give americans jobs and help domestically the country all around. The creation of the CCC, SSA, TVA, all helped america grow, but it wasn't until WW2 when the US escaped this great depression. It could be characterised as a massive global impact and important coming out of the progressive era.

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Lincoln was disappointed with General George McCellan because the general, although was able to establish an army in the early stages of the war, he was paranoid and was slow as the field commander and was able to aggressively engage with the Confederate Army of Virginia.




He believed that McClellan was too cautious and not taking enough chances to win.