Consider the operon in model 1. other than the gene that regulates the operon, how many genes are contained within the operon?


Answer 1

the answer is three i checked on quizlet

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Adult skin cells can no longer become other types of cells because they have already undergone


The answer is differentiation.

Differentiation is the process changing less specialized cells to more specialized. In differentiation cells develop to possess a more distinct form and function.Completely differentiated cells cannot further differentiate to any other type of the cells. Adult skin cells have their own function and structure so they are completely differentiated.

the answer your looking for is differentiation.

Have a wonderful day

~hailey lee~

Which one of the following discoveries involving DNA happened first?


A. Hershey and Chase used bacteriophages to confirm that DNA was the genetic material in genes.

According to the central dogma of molecular biology,  the process of protein synthesis in living organisms follows the  order: DNA →RNA→ Protein.Information for synthesis of a particular protein is copied (transcribed) from DNA onto mRNA in a process called transcription, in the cell nucleus.mRNA (messenger RNA) leaves the cell nucleus and enters the cytoplasm where it attaches to a ribosome.  tRNA (transfer RNA)  begins to decode (translate) the information on the attached mRNA in a process called translation and fetches amino acids corresponding to this information from the pool of free amino acids in the cytoplasm, and brings them to the ribosome where they are joined together into a chain and thus the protein is formed.

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Glucose is a simple monosaccharide sugar molecule with a chemical formula C6H12O6.

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It is not clearly explained to how they killed dinasours but the Deccan trap caused the continent to break apart, caused by explosion and this included end age of dinasours

The cellular process of creating two new DNA molecules from one original copy is called replication. Which statement is the BEST description of this process?A: DNA opens up and RNA copies it.
B: DNA opens up and completely unwinds to make two new molecules.
C: DNA opens up and each strand is used as a template for a new strand.
D: is crossed of


It should be c ig. I'm not too sure

Monosaccharides are used by plants and animals as a source of a) building muscle b) hormone balance c) fat storage d) a source of energy



D. a source of energy

Monosaccharides are used by plants and animals as a source of energy.


  • Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates and the building blocks of other carbohydrates. They include glucose, fructose, galactose,etc
  • Monosaccharides are used as a source of energy in both plants and animals. They are used to produce and store energy. Most organisms create energy by breaking down the monosaccharide glucose, and harvesting the energy released from the bonds.
monosacharides are used by plants and animals as a source of energy. your answer is d.