Which sentence does not contain any errors? A. How many ss are in Massachusetts? B. Be sure to dot all your i's. C. Our license plate number begins with three 5's in a row. D. Did they already collect everyones tickets?


Answer 1
Answer: Hey There Franken,

Which sentence does not contain any errors? A. How many ss are in Massachusetts? B. Be sure to dot all your i's. C. Our license plate number begins withthree 5's in a row. D. Did they already collect everyones tickets?

B.Be sure to dot all your i's
Answer 2
Answer: The answer is C it contains no grammar! D is wrong because everyones is not a word B is wrong because i is not uppercase and A is wrong because there is no Apostrophes in the two letters s.

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What does the word facetiously mean?



Facetiously means anything that is said without actually intending to be taken literally or seriously.


The word "facetiously" is an adjective that is used when describing a person or anything which should not be taken in the literal sense. It is not meant to be taken in a serious manner, kind of like a 'white lie'.

Supposing a person said something abut another person, or talks to that other person in a facetious manner, then it means that what he/ she said is not serious and should not be treated or taken literally. It can also even be said or implied in an amusing and humorous way, lacking any serious intent/ content.

treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

As a careful reader, you should analyze what you have read to consider _____.1.the author's purpose

2.what the author has communicated to you

3.how you should respond

4.how much the book cost


What the author has communicated to you. The reason is that you should always reflect on what the author is trying to say so that you can figure out the main idea or plot. hope this helps
1. and 2. are both good answers, but im leaning more towards 1.

Is sentence 'James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher' grammatically correct?


Yes, it certainly can be when it's properly punctuated.

The statement looks back on a day last week, when the teacher was grading
essays written by James and John.  It tells of one particular sentence in the
essays, almost identically worded in both essays, except for one word difference.

James ... while John had had "had" ... had had "had had".  "Had had" had had
a better effect on their teacher.

What is an example of inertia?


Answer, when your body movement to the side when a car makes a sharp turn.
When a car stops and your body keeps moving forward and you hit the seat in front of you

Which word correctly completes the sentence? Some people think a __________ foot is a good luck charm.











The answer for this one would be rabbit's because the foot belongs to the rabbit. When you say rabbits it just means more than one.
It's a superstitious thing haha

The specific study of word forms and how they are affected by their origin is known as _____.archaeology




Hope it helps

Other Questions
Now in the third year of his (FDR) administration, we find more of our people unemployed than at any other time. We find our houses empty and our people hungry, many of them half-clothed and many of them not clothed at all….We find not only the people going further into debt, but that the United States is going further into debt. The states are going further into debt, and the cities and towns are even going into bankruptcy. The condition has become deplorable. Instead of his promises, the only remedy that Mr. Roosevelt has prescribed is to borrow more money if he can and to go further into debt. The last move was to borrow $5 billion more on which we must pay interest for the balance of our lifetimes, and probably during the lifetime of our children…That is why the Share Our Wealth societies are forming in every nook and corner of America….They have a great work to perform. Here is what we stand for in a nutshell:Number one, we propose that every family in America should at least own a homestead equal in value to not less than one third the average family wealth…. So our first proposition means that every family will have a home and the comforts of a home up to a value of not less than around $5,000 or a little more than that.Number two, we propose that no family shall own more than three hundred times the average family wealth, which means that no family shall possess more than a wealth of approximately $5 million….Number three, we propose that every family shall have an income equal to at least one third of the average family income in America…. We propose that no family will have an earning of less than around $2,000 to $2,500 and that none will have more than three hundred times the average less the ordinary income taxes, which means that a million dollars would be the limit on the highest income.What is the dominant form of evidence used in this passage?A) ethical evidence B) logical evidence C) emotional evidence D) there is no type of evidence that is dominant