What is 6/25 as a percentage


Answer 1
Answer: 6/25 as a percentage is 24%.

Commonly, to change a fraction into its percentage form, you would multiply the numerator (the top number) and the denominator (the bottom number) by 100, which is a numerical number that is used.

So, in this case, we would divide: 

6/25 × 100

After calculating that, you should know that it equals 24. That should be our answer to solving 6/25 as a percentage.

Also, if you did not know how to simplify the problem:

(6)/(25) * 100 \n \n (600)/(25) = 24 \n \n

You basically just focus on the numerator being multiplied by the whole number (which is 100), so 6 multiplied by 100 equals 600, and that is the new numerator. The next step would to be to simplify it by solving what multiples by 25 to get the result of 600. 24 times 25 equals 600...so 24 is the answer.

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Semester 1: 78, 91, 88, 83, 94
Semester 2: 91, 96, 80, 77, 88, 85, 92
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The answer is (2) because median means the number halfway into the set and the median for semester1 is 88 and the median for semester 2 is 77
What you can do is find out everything mentioned until you find one that matches.
(1) Semester 1's IQR is 8, and semester 2's IQR is 12, so that statement is incorrect
(2) Semester 1's median is 88, and semester 2's median is 88, so that statement is incorrect
(3) Semester 1's mean is 86.8, and semester 2's mean is 87, so that statement is correct.
Since that is correct, the answer is (3).

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8.8y-4=7.7y+7 \n 8.8y-7.7y=7+4 \n 1.1y=11 \n y=11/1.1 \n y=10-> answer D
8.8y - 4 = 7.7y + 7\n 1.1y=11\n y=10

m/1 =
m/2 =



calibrate the thermostat of the equation and 52 go into the m/2 and 47 and 4 go into m/5 and all the rest go into m/3

Does canned spam taste good?​



its fine because

Step-by-step explanation:

People who grew up with it often find it to be fine, good, or even delightful. Others may find it to be absolutely disgusting. Personally, I think SPAM tastes fine, but it's a bit too salty on its own. So, I think it's best when eaten with other foods that need some extra salt (like rice, eggs, etc.).


-depending on what you like it taste like a salty, and slightly spicy, ham flavor.

Help plz show workWrite the inequality alberacally
graph the inequality on the real number line
Write the inequality in interval notation.
7.x is not equal to 3.
8. x is not equal to 3.
9. x is not equal to 2 and x is not equal to 7.
10.x is not equal to -4 and x is not equal to 0.


Answer:  see below

Step-by-step explanation:

7) Algebraic Inequality: x ≠ 3  

   -->    -∞ < x < 3 and 3 < x < ∞

   Graph:  ←-----------o-----------→


  Interval Notation: (-∞,3) ∪ (3, ∞)

8) This is a duplicate question of #7

9) Algebraic Inequality: x ≠ 2 and x ≠ 7

    -->  -∞ < x < 2 and 2 < x < 7 and 7 < x < ∞

   Graph:  ←-------o-------o-------→

                           2        7

  Interval Notation: (-∞, 2) ∪ (2, 7) ∪ (7, ∞)

10) Algebraic Inequality: x ≠ -4 and x ≠ 0

    -->  -∞ < x < -4 and -4 < x < 0 and 0 < x < ∞

   Graph:  ←-------o-------o-------→

                          -4        0

  Interval Notation: (-∞, -4) ∪ (-4, 0) ∪ (0, ∞)