Give an outline of the differentiating characteristics of a monopolistic competition and an oligopoly market structure.


Answer 1
Answer: Both Monopoly and Oligopoly have large market shares. Unlike monopoly where only one business holds 100% of the market, oligopoly is composed of a few businesses that have market shares. Each movement or decision made by any companies in an oligopoly will greatly affect the market.

Monopoly = 100% market share, has a say on supply and price of goods or services offered.

Oligopoly = 2 or 3 companies share the market. Each have at least 33% of the market. Any change made by one business will affect the other remaining businesses.
Answer 2
Answer: In an oligopoly, few companies produce the same product and in a monopolistic competition some companies produce similar products, but each one of them produces a slightly different product.

Let's imagine a market in which there are only 2 producers of chocolate- that is an oligopoly (it would not be one if there were 30) .

Now, let's imagine that one of them only produces dark chocolate, and the other only milk chocolate - now, that's a monopolistic competition!

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A mixed economy has strong elements of both __________ and __________ economies.A.
planned . . . traditional
market . . . planned
market . . . traditional
planned . . . command


A mixed economy has strong elements of both market and planned economics. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B". Mixed economy has been defined in different ways by different people. This kind of economy became popular during the postwar period.

A mixed economy has strong elements of both "market" and "planned" economies.

Mixed economy alludes to the financial framework where the monetary exercises are coordinated by both private and the administration. At the end of the day, it is the market economy which is controlled by the legislature or the state. Mixed economy reflects attributes of both market and planned economy. At present, most genuine economies are mixed economy.  

Most mixed economies hold attributes of a conventional economy, however those customs don't control how the economy capacities.

Ultimately, to be successful, a business musta. fulfill a commercial need.
b. provide a service.
c. make a profit.
d. make you happy.


The answer would be : C. make profit    , since you need it to pay your employees and feed your family

Profit is basically the main purpose of a business. It would be best for your business to fulfill one customers that give you 1 million dollars , rather than fulfill 1 million customers that only give you 1 dollar.


C. Make a profit


This is correct for the PF test.

Have a good day! :)

Edward Lewis, CEO of Essence Communications, strolls around the organization and starts spontaneous conversations with employees and others with the company. He says it allows him to keep his finger on the pulse of the organization. Lewis engages in



Management by working around


 It is Management by Walking Around. MBWA, it actually means that managers spend some part of their time listening to problems and ideas of their staff, while wandering around an office or plant.

 Management by Walking Around is a term that was coined by Tom Peters. From his study of successful companies and their practices, Tom Peters observed that good managers tend to communicate a lot better with their team. Doing that in informal ways, like just hanging around in the office and chatting with them, rather than having formal interaction sessions in their boardrooms. The founder of, Walmart, was a great exponent of this practice. He believed in visiting as many of his stores as many times as possible and talking to frontline staff. The founder of House ofTara, a make up outfit goes round her stores and even works there just as to see the business through the eyes of the frontline staff

The idea of this practice is to listen. You must also respond to ideas or problems voiced and take effective action about them.

A few months before, a major B2B supplier raised prices of its products 10 percent to cover changes in market conditions. He was surprised to find how the orders from his normal customers plummeted. His normal order was $1,100. After the price increase, the average order dropped by 25 percent. He became concerned that customers might look elsewhere. For this reason, he decided to start offering discounts. When one of his loyal customers, David, purchases $950 worth of product for his firm, the supplier gives David the terms "4/20 net 30." He wants to maintain his relationship with David and would ideally like to receive payment in less than a month. Refer to Scenario 19.3. Consider how the average order amount changed when prices were raised $75. The elasticity of demand is _______. With this in mind, the product can best be described as _______.



Elastic demand


Elastic demand states when there is a change in the price of a product the quantity demanded changes. An increase in price may lead to a decrease in demand whereas, a decrease in price may lead to an increase in quantity demanded.

In this case we see when the B2B supplier increase its price, the orders dropped by 25%. Which proves that it is an elastic demand.

If an increase in price leads to no changes or increase in quantity demanded then it is called inelastic demand. Example: disease curing drugs.

How do you do you do a budget​


Note your net income

The first step in creating a budget is to identify the amount of money you have coming in. Remember to subtract your deductions, such as for Social Security, taxes, 401 and flexible spending account allocations, when creating a budget worksheet. Your final take-home pay is called net income, and that is the number you should use when creating a budget.

Track your spending

It’s helpful to keep track of and categorize your spending so you know where you can make adjustments. Doing so will help you identify what you are spending the most money on and where it might be easiest to cut back. Begin by listing all your fixed expenses. These are regular monthly bills such as rent or mortgage, utilities or car payments.

It’s unlikely you’ll be able to cut back on these, but knowing how much of your monthly income they take up can be helpful.

Set your goals

Long-term goals, such as saving for retirement or your child’s education, may take years to reach. Remember, your goals don’t have to be set in stone, but identifying your priorities before you start planning a budget will help.

Make a plan

With your fixed expenses, you can predict fairly accurately how much you’ll have to budget for. Use your past spending habits as a guide when trying to predict your variable expenses. You might choose to break down your expenses even further, between things you need to have and things you want to have.

Adjust your habits if necessary

Once you’ve done all this, you have what you need to complete your budget. Having documented your income and spending, you can start to see where you have money left over or where you can cut back so that you have money to put toward your goals. Want-to-have expenses are the first area to look for spending cuts. Try adjusting the numbers you’ve tracked to see how much money that frees up.

Lastly, if the numbers still aren’t adding up, you can look at adjusting your fixed expenses. You might be surprised at how much extra money you accumulate by making one minor adjustment at a time.

Keep checking in

Whatever the reason, keep checking in with your budget following the steps above.


i do not know


Harlose Suits faced a lot of complaints from customers when its recent batch of goods was dispatched. The employees at Harlose Suits, hence, had to rework on the returned items, and in some cases, the company had to even replace the faulty goods. In this case, the costs incurred by Harlose Suits are an example of _____. a. prevention costs b. internal failure costs c. external failure costs d. appraisal costs



c. external failure costs


External failure costs are those costs incurred due to product failures after they have been sold and used by the customers to which such product are sold too. Although there are insurance policy ready to cater for this kind of loss incurred. The insurance Policy is called "Product Liability Insurance"