You have been assigned to write an essay about why those convicted of drunk driving should get stiffer penalties. Which of these statements would be most appropriate to include?A) Drunk driving is an all-too common occurrence, especially on certain holidays.
B) Often a driver doesn't know that he is drunk until he gets behind the wheel.
C) Police can spot a drunk driver if he or she drives erratically or swerves unnecessarily.
D) Some drunk drivers don't think much of their convictions, because they are often just given a "slap on the wrist."


Answer 1

D) Some drunk drivers don't think much of their convictions, because they are often just given a "slap on the wrist."

Answer 2

The answer to this question is D.                                                                                                                                  

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in europe where winters are long and hard cuckoos are considered a sing of spring

A: independent clause
B: adjective clause
C: adverb clause
D: noun clause

where winters are long and hard is underlined.


That is an adverb clause. Adverb clauses are dependent, so A cannot be the correct answer. And since it refers to the place where 'winters are long and hard', it must  be the adverb clause.

Can someone help me with this please please


After a hot run in the hot sun, Aurora looked upon the lake with a glistening in her eyes. With that same glistening in her eyes, she turned to London; however, London knew that all familiar look in Aurora’s eyes. Aurora was about to do something that London would certainly not care for. Aurora, as if having cat like reflexes, sprinted toward London. London, to the best of her ability, tried to run away, but Aurora was much to fast. Aurora hastily lifted London over her shoulder and plunged into the cool lake. As they resurfaced London exclaimed to Aurora, “You’re insane!”. With an all too familiar chuckle, Aurora said, “I know! Isn’t it great!”.

Which revision correct the faulty coordination in the sentence?



Allied bombing raids destroyed many German jets while the jets were still on the ground.


The primary sentence was

Allied bombing jets destroyed many German jets, and the jets were still on the ground.

First option uses 'yet' which is not compatible with the sentence.

Second option is more like a passive voice but not correct revision of the original sentence too.

Third option is also wrong as its construction is wrong.

The correct revised version of the original sentence is the last option with the use of 'while' which suggests that the bombing happened at the same time as the jets were on the ground.

Allied bombing raids destroyed many German jets while the jets were still on the ground.

Answer: Allied bombing raids destroyed many German jets while the jets were still on the ground.

In "The Necklace," why is it important to Mathilde that she be viewed as wealthy when she isn't?


The correct answer is B. Mathilde is obsessed with her social standing because she believes that she should be wealthy, however, somehow life has tricked her and she isn't. She isn't poor, but she is also not as rich as she would want to be. In her opinion, you need to be wealthy to be important.

Which answer choice does not contain any punctuation errors? A.I loved brushing the horses, and feeding the goats, of course. B.I loved brushing the horses and feeding the goats, of course. C.I loved brushing the horses and feeding the goats of course. D.I loved brushing the horses and feeding the goats. Of course.


I believe it would be C. I loved brushing the horses and feeding the goats of course. That would be my personal choice.

Which phrase in this excerpt from James Joyce's "Araby" is a participial phrase?North Richmond Street being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free. An
uninhabited house of two storeys stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbours in a square ground. The other houses of the street
conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces.
The former tenant of our house, a priest had died in the back drawing-room. Alr, musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the
rooms, and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old useless papers. Among these i found a few paper-covered books, the
pages of which were curied and damp: The Abbot by Walter Scott The Devout Communicant and The Memoirs of Vidocq. I liked the last
best because its leaves were yellow. The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple-tree and a few straggling bushes under
one of which I found the late tenant's rusty bicycle-pump. He had been a very charitable priest in his will he had left all his money to
institutions and the furniture of his house to his sister



Being blind.


Participial phrase is a group of words consisting of a participle (present or past participle) which acts as a main word, and a modifier ( present participle ends  on -ing, while past participle has different suffixes which depends on the verb is regular or irregular). Whatever participle it may be, these phrases always act as an adjective in a sentence, modifying nouns. Knowing this, the only possible answer is being blind; other answers don't contain present or past participle. Also, this phrase modifies the word street, which is a noun, so it functions as an adjective.