The air you breathe is made of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. The oxygen in air is the _____ and the nitrogen is the _____. solution, solute solute, solvent solvent, solution


Answer 1
Answer: solute, solvent.

Solute is what is dissolved in the solvent. Since there is less oxygen and more nitrogen, the oxygen is the solute and the nitrogen the solvent. Solution is not included in the answer because the air is the solution (the combination of the solutes and solvent).
Answer 2
Answer: None of the choices is correct.
Air is a mixture, NOT a solution.
There are no solvents or solutes in a mixture.

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How do we end up "seeing" a right-side up world?


I think you must be referring to the fact that our eyes invert the image, so that
the image on the retina is upside-down, and that worries you.

The answer is:  It's all easily handled by that glob of gray stuff inside our head.
The brain takes the inverted image, and responds to it as if it were right-side-up.

That sounds complicated and difficult, because we have no idea how terrific
our brain really is.  So let me tell you this story, and it'll blow your mind:

When psychologists realized that the brain was turning everything we see
right-side-up, they did an experiment.  They had some special glasses made,
that would turn everything upside-down before it went into the eyes, so that
the image on the retina would be right-side-up, and the person would see
everything upside-down.  Then they had some people try to go through their
normal activities with these glasses on.  Want to know what happened ?
The test subjects were pretty awkward at first, tripping over things and
bumping into walls.  But after a few days, their brain made the adjustment,
and they didn't notice anything strange any more. They could read books,
wash the dishes, play ball, and most of them were even able to ride bicycles
around their neighborhood in the normal way !  Then, when the experiment
was over, they took the glasses off, and they were awkward again for a few
days, and then their brains flipped everything over again and they got
re-adjusted to normal.

THAT's how clever our brain is !

A170 g hockey puck sliding at 25 m/s slows to a speed of 10 m/s in a distance of
7.5 m.  Determine the force of friction
causing the puck to slow.  


From 2nd Newton Law:
Acceleration using kinematic equations:
vp-initial velocity=25m/s
vk-ending velocity=10m/s
a=( vk^(2)- vp^(2) )/(2Δd)

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The P wave is the fastest seismic wave.

Why does a hot air balloon float?The shape of the balloon prides lift.
The volume of the air displaced by the balloon is less than the volume of the balloon
The weight of the air displaced is less than the volume of the balloon
The weight of the balloon is less than the weight of the air displaced by the balloon


The most accurate answer among the choices would be the fourth one, because if the weight of the air displaced is greater than the balloon's weight, the balloon will float upwards. Density of the air also plays a part. Hot air = less dense. Hope my answer has come to your help.

Right answer: The weight of the air displaced is less than the volume of the balloon

A hot air balloon is a cloth wrap that contains several thousand cubic meters of air inside (a large volume of air). The burner (which is the motor of the balloon and responsible for its elevation) heats the liquid propane to a gaseous state to generate a huge flame, thus heating the air mass inside the balloon. In this way, its density is modified with respect to the air that surrounds it, because the hot air is lighter than the outside air (less dense), causing the balloon to rise and float.

Now, if we know that the density of a body d is directly proportional to its massm and inversely proportional to its volumeV:


We can deduce that

by increasing the volume of the body, its density will decrease.

This is proof of Archimedes' Principle:  

A body totally or partially immersed in a fluid at rest, experiences a vertical upward thrust equal to the mass weight of the body volume that is displaced.

In this case the fluid is the air outside. So, the warm air inside the balloon, being less dense, will weigh less than the outside air and therefore will receive an upward pushing force or thrust that will make the balloon ascend.

As light shines from air to another medium, i = 26.0 º. The light bends toward the normal and refracts at 32.0 º. What is the index of refraction? A)0.827


The equation for the index of refraction is n = sin(theta1)/sin(theta2) where theta1 is the refracted angle and theta2 is the angle in a medium. Plugging in the values for the index of refraction, n = sin(32)/sin(26) we get 1.21. the answer is letter C. The index of refraction is always greater than 1.

That answer is wrong it is not 1.21 just turned it in and was wrong

What is a normal force?


is the component perpendicular to the surface on contact  of the  contact force