What can be inferred from these lines describing the pardoner in Chaucer's prologue to The Canterbury Tales? He had a fine veronica sewed to cap. His wallet lay before him in his lap, Stuffed full of pardons brought from Rome all hot.


Answer 1
Answer: The lines from The Canterbury Tales about the pardoner describes how he seems to have lots of money, enough to buy a hat with nice material with a nice fat wallet of pardons. This suggests that the pardoner is corrupt because in the time period Chaucer is writing, one could sell "pardons." You can conclude that the pardoner makes his money from selling holy forgiveness in the form of "pardons."

Answer 2


B.  He was an unethical man.


I just took the test

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The correct answer is (b.) men's. The men's shouts filled the dark night. If you are referring to many male persons, you may use men. You need not any usage of s with men since men is already in a plural form which makes it wrong.


The right answer is B. men's


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The sentence which is neutral is 2. Netta and Jim expressed different views on free trade. This is correct because the words "expressed different views" are quite neutral - there is nothing too positive or too negative about them. On the other hand. words such as wrangled in 1, argued vociferously in 3, and bickered in 4, show very strong emotions that are in no way neutral.

Which is the best example ofparaphrasing for the following
Well-a-well, we've all got to
go, they ain't no getting
around it. Man that is born of
woman is of few days and far
between, as Scriptur' says.
Yes, you look at it any way
you want to, it's awful solemn
and cur'us: they ain't nobody
can get around it; all's got to
go--just everybody, as you
may say.
A. The Bible says that one day, everyone
must die. No one can escape death,
B. The Bible says that if a man is born to a
woman, then he will die.
C. The Bible says that no one can avoid
being born



The Bible says that one day , everyone must die. No one can escape death