You’ve decided to go into law enforcement as a career. Explain in Spanish what part of law enforcement you want t practice and why you want to fight crime.


Answer 1


Elijo ser un investigador de la escena del crimen. Los investigadores de la escena del crimen recopilan y examinan la evidencia presente en las escenas del crimen. Quiero luchar contra el crimen para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor poco a poco.


I choose to be a crime scene investigator. Crime scene investigators collect and examine the evidence present at crime scenes. I want to fight crime to make the world a better place little by little.

Hope this helps!

- Alice

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En la Ciudad de Panamá, la capital, se encuentra el Parque de Santa Ana, centro de un gran número de actividades para el disfrute de todos los panameños. Y muy cerca de las calles estrechas alrededor del parque están los edificios de los ministerios del gobierno. Blades dice, “Ningún viajero debe irse sin visitar la Iglesia de Natá de los Caballeros, la iglesia más antigua del continente americano.” A Blades, algunas partes de Santa Ana le recuerdan a Nueva Orleáns y otras partes le recuerdan al Viejo San Juan en Puerto Rico. Hay ruinas como las del Convento de las Carmelitas y monumentos como el Arco Chato, que fueron diseñados por los españoles. Sobre el Canal de Panamá, Blades opina que es único en el mundo y que como obra maestra de la ingeniería, no tiene igual. Para construirlo, tuvieron que enfrentar muchos problemas: la diferencia de altura entre la costa del Océano Pacífico y la del Océano Atlántico; la jungla, la fiebre amarilla y el clima hostil. Para resolver el primer problema, usaron un sistema que permite alzar y bajar el agua; de esta manera, pueden pasar los barcos de un océano al otro. El visitante puede apreciar la maravillosa ingeniería que permite dar paso a miles de barcos por el canal. 2A: Vocabulario – Give the meanings of the following words/phrases as they are used in the text. 1. el disfrute – 2. las calles estrechas – 3. los ministerios del gobierno 4. sin visitar – 5. debe irse – 6. le recuerdan – 7. fueron diseñados – 8. alzar – 9. bajar - 10. la jugla – 11. la fiebre amarilla – 12. el clima hostil – 13. la ingeniería – 14. opinar – 15. tuvieron que -



In the city of Panama, the capital, is the Parque de Santa Ana, center of a large number of activities for the enjoyment of all Panamanians. And very close to the narrow streets around the park are the buildings of government ministries. Blades says, "No traveler should leave without visiting the Church of Natá de los Caballeros, the oldest church on the American continent." Blades, some parts of Santa Ana remind him of New Orleans and other parts remind him of Old San Juan in Puerto Rico. There are ruins such as those of the Carmelite Convent and monuments such as Arco Chato, which were designed by the Spanish. On the Panama Canal, Blades believes that it is unique in the world and that as an engineering masterpiece, it has no equal. To build it, they had to face many problems: the difference in height between the coast of the Pacific Ocean and that of the Atlantic Ocean; jungle, yellow fever and hostile weather. To solve the first problem, they used a system that allows the water to rise and fall; In this way, ships can pass from one ocean to the other. The visitor can appreciate the wonderful engineering that allows thousands of ships to pass through the canal. 2A: Vocabulary - Give the meanings of the following words / phrases as they are used in the text. 1. enjoyment - 2. narrow streets - 3. government ministries 4. not visiting - 5. must go - 6. remind you - 7. they were designed - 8. lift - 9. lower - 10. the jugla - 11. yellow fever - 12. hostile weather - 13. engineering - 14. comment - 15. had to - yellow fever and hostile weather. To solve the first problem, they used a system that allows the water to rise and fall; In this way, ships can pass from one ocean to the other. The visitor can appreciate the wonderful engineering that allows thousands of ships to pass through the canal. 2A: Vocabulary - Give the meanings of the following words / phrases as they are used in the text. 1. enjoyment - 2. narrow streets - 3. government ministries 4. not visiting - 5. must go - 6. remind you - 7. they were designed - 8. lift - 9. lower - 10. the jugla - 11. yellow fever - 12. hostile weather - 13. engineering - 14. comment - 15. had to - yellow fever and hostile weather. To solve the first problem, they used a system that allows the water to rise and fall; In this way, ships can pass from one ocean to the other. The visitor can appreciate the wonderful engineering that allows thousands of ships to pass through the canal. 2A: Vocabulary - Give the meanings of the following words / phrases as they are used in the text. 1. enjoyment - 2. narrow streets - 3. government ministries 4. not visiting - 5. must go - 6. remind you - 7. they were designed - 8. lift - 9. lower - 10. the jugla - 11. yellow fever - 12. hostile weather - 13. engineering - 14. comment - 15. had to - The visitor can appreciate the wonderful engineering that allows thousands of ships to pass through the canal. 2A: Vocabulary - Give the meanings of the following words / phrases as they are used in the text. 1. enjoyment - 2. narrow streets - 3. government ministries 4. not visiting - 5. must go - 6. remind you - 7. they were designed - 8. lift - 9. lower - 10. the jugla - 11. yellow fever - 12. hostile weather - 13. engineering - 14. comment - 15. had to - The visitor can appreciate the wonderful engineering that allows thousands of ships to pass through the canal. 2A: Vocabulary - Give the meanings of the following words / phrases as they are used in the text. 1. enjoyment - 2. narrow streets - 3. government ministries 4. not visiting - 5. must go - 6. remind you - 7. they were designed - 8. lift - 9. lower - 10. the jugla - 11. yellow fever - 12. hostile weather - 13. engineering - 14. comment - 15. had to -

Wow that’s a lot credit to the person who answered they deserve a lot

Marcos pone _____ libros en _____ mesa.


Marcos pone los libros en la mesa.

“Los” y “la” sin las respuestas

La alumna _____ la mano porque tiene una pregunta.Question 18 options:










La alumna LEVANTA la mano por que tiene una pregunta.

I just wanted to say thank you to those who helped me with my Spanish test, and to those health care workers out there helping patients.



You're welcome


Thank you essential workers!

You seem so nice!!!!!!!

¿Qué hiciste para celebrar y disfrutar durante tus vacaciones de primavera? Usa 3 verbos en el presente, 3 préterito, 3 en el imperfecto y 3 en el modo imperativoAyuda help


Answer: Yo me pinto unos arboles coloridos. (Presente)

Yo juego ajedrez con mi hermano pero el siempre gana. (Presente)

Yo practico deportes en el patio de mi casa. (Presente)

Yo acompañé a mi abuela al oculista. (Pretérito)

Yo comí con mi familia en un asombro restaurante. (Pretérito)

Yo jugué videojuegos con mi primo toda la noche. (Pretérito)

El compraba muchas golosinas en la tienda del centro comercio.(imperfecto)

Nosotros hablábamos con mucha frecuencia. (imperfecto)

Los niños jugaban por las tardes. (imperfecto)

Cuenta hasta cien. (modo imperativo)

Corre hacia allí y vuelve. (Modo imperativo)

Baja el volumen. (Modo imperativo)

I speak Spanish fluently you should not have any errors ;)