scientists hypothesize that oxygen began to accumulate in earth's atmosphere of living things with the ability to?


Answer 1

According to geological data, oxygen production by photosynthetic microbes began about 2 billion years ago. This made it possible for oxygen to build up in the atmosphere, which eventually led to a switch from reducing to oxidizing circumstances.

What accumulates in earth's atmosphere of living things?

A basic type of bacteria eventually evolved that could survive by using the energy from the Sun and the carbon dioxide in the water to produce oxygen as a byproduct. As a result, the atmosphere started to fill up with oxygen as carbon dioxide levels were falling.

Cyanobacteria underwent a stunning transformation at least 2.4 billion years ago, which was made possible by their evolution.

They evolved into the earliest photo-synthesizers on Earth, producing food out of water and solar energy, while also releasing oxygen in the process.

Therefore, living beings were able to breathe because of the oxygen in the early atmosphere.

Learn more about earth's atmosphere here:


Answer 2
Answer: The oxygen in the early atmosphere enabled living things to breathe.

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The molecules tend to speed up and move faster throughout the substance once thermal energy increases. This is evident whenever we heat up water as its molecules tend to move faster throughout the water as thermal energy tends to increase.

Final answer:

An increase in thermal energy causes molecules to move more rapidly and vibrate more quickly. Higher temperatures affect the distribution of kinetic energies and can cause phase changes.


When thermal energy increases, molecules gain more kinetic energy and therefore move more rapidly. This increased kinetic energy causes molecules to vibrate more quickly. As a result, the temperature of the substance increases. Higher temperatures also affect the distribution of kinetic energies among the molecules in a substance. At higher temperatures, more molecules have the necessary kinetic energy to escape from a liquid to the gas phase.

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Learn more about effect of thermal energy on molecules here:


IWhat is your mass in kilograms of you weigh 120 pounds?


One pound is (around, actually it's a little more, but you have to round it down to make the number practically usable) 0.45 kilograms, so 120 pounts is 120* 0.45, which is around 54kg.

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C. Opposite
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Good afternoon,

B. Perpendicular

I hope this helped :)

In a transverse wave, the motion of the disturbance is PERPENDICULAR to the wave motion.

B. Perpendicular.

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C. increasing the sample size
D. decreasing the sample size


C. increasing the sample size 

More samples can bring your averages closer to the correct answer

I am in summer school for physics and I got this question for home work. A rock climber of mass 55 kg is hanging suspended from a rope tied to another climber of mass 65 kg on a horizontal cliff ledge. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the climber on the ledge and the ledge 0.45, what is the net acceleration of the climber on the ledge? I have been stuck on this question for 2 hours and I need it for tomorrow can anyone help me. Thanks


First of all, we have to sort out how this situation is put together. You have 55 kg that's hanging suspended, but it's tied to another 65 kg on a horizontal ledge.  Somewhere in there, the rope has to turn a corner.  Obviously, it has to go around the edge of the ledge, and we have top assume that there's absolutely no friction against the rope at that point,  because we're not told anything different.  So we have to treat the edge like a frictionless pulley. And we're also going to ignore the weight of the rope.

OK. The weight of the 55-kg guy who is hanging suspended is (mass) x (gravity) =
(55 x 9.8) = 539 newtons. That force soaks upward through the rope, makes the turn
at the edge, and is exerted horizontally against the 65-kg guy on the ledge. 

Hopefully, the suspended guy can hold on for a few minutes longer, while we analyze
the forces around the heavier guy up on the ledge.

The weight of the guy on the ledge is (mass) x (gravity) = (65 x 9.8) = 637 newtons.
That's his weight, pointing downward, against the ledge.
As his boots slip along the ledge, the friction force against his motion is
(his weight) x (the coefficient of kinetic friction between him and the ledge) =
(637 newtons) x (0.45) = 286.65 newtons.

The man on the ledge has the rope pulling him toward the edge with 539N of force,
and 286.65N of friction force holding him back.  You can see that he's slipping toward
the edge, because the friction force isn't enough to hold him.

The net force on him is (539N forward) + (286.65N backward) = 252.35N forward.

Since the man on the ledge has a net force pulling him forward toward the edge,
he accelerates in that direction.

Force = (mass) x (acceleration)

Acceleration = (force) / (mass) = (252.35N) / (65kg) = 3.88 meters per second²

He's sliding toward the edge with an acceleration of about 0.396 G ... his speed is increasing about 39 or 40% as fast as it will after he falls over the edge, and the both of them proceed toward their ultimate and apparently unavoidable 'splut' below.

I've totally terrified myself answering this one.