Unit 12 TestChoose one prominent figure of the pre-Civil war days from this list:
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Frederick Douglass
Henry Clay
Daniel Webster
John Calhoun
Dred Scott

In one complete paragraph of at least 5 sentences, explain what he/she did and how he/she made a difference.


Answer 1

Answer: Harriet Tubman


Harriet Tubman lead hundreds of slaves from the south to the north where they could have freedom. Doing this meant the slaves could finally be free from having to do whatever their owner says. She helped the slaves escape from being hit by their slaveowners for doing something wrong. Harriet also saved the slaves from being separated because a slave owner could sell slaves to another owner which separated families. The area where the slaves lived and slept in weren’t always in good condition.

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That is false.

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!! 20 POINTS!!!Arrange these events in the correct chronological order.


1. Christopher Columbus sailed on his first voyage in 1492.

2. Jacques Cartier (French explorer) established the first fur trading between 1530-1540

3. The Muscovy Company was founded in 1555.

4. First Spanish settlement was established in 1565. (St. Augustine, Florida.)

So it goes, Christopher Columbus sets out on his first voyage, The French establish a fur trade in Canada, The Muscovy Company is founded, and The Spanish establish their first settlement in North America.


Christopher Columbus sailed on his first voyage in 1492.

Jacques Cartier (French explorer) established the first fur trading between 1530-1540

The Muscovy Company was founded in 1555.

First Spanish settlement was established in 1565.

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Puritans formed "covenant communities" which were centered around their religion. Often times, the small communities would have a building which functioned as a church and a courthouse. These communities were often formed in New England, where agriculture was sparse, so the people would rely on trade in ports like Boston and Philidelphia to bring them income, along with carpentry, shipbuilding, etc. Often times, the Puritans were very intolerant of those who did not share their faith, and like the later Cult of Domesticity, believed in masculine supremacy, leaving the women to tend to children, cook, clean, etc.

How was France different from Great Britain when it came to advancing the Industrial Revolution?


Great Britain and France were comparable in 1700; both had established commerce, trade and a handicraft industry. However, by 1900 there were noticeable differences between these two nations due to the nature in which each of them advanced in the process of the Industrial Revolution that is the name given to the transition to new manufacturing processes begun in Great Britain in 1760 to1840.

In such transition from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing, iron production processes as well as the increasing use of steam power, which characterized Industrial Revolution, France was different from Great Britain.

First, unlike in France in Great Britain aristocrats and landowners supported the pursuit of increasing in agricultural productivity, reason why Great Britain had a number of major technological innovations than France such as the improved land draining techniques. As a consequence of the described before productivity was one third higher in England than France.

Second, coal had become the most in demand fuel  not only in Britain but also in France, however in the latter coal resources were discovered in inconvenient locations far from cities or waterways which caused that transport costs for coal were quite higher in France that in Great Britain.

In addition, the railway developed in Britain by 1830, connecting Manchester and Liverpool, providing fastest distribution of goods with 10,500km of railway line open while France only had 3,000km open.  

Finally, either in Britain or in France during the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a dramatic increase in population size, whose benefit were related to an increase in the supply of labor However, population growth was much larger and faster in Britain

In conclusion, when it came to advancing the Industrial Revolution, despite France was an industrial power, Britain was leading industrial nation.  

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It is simply the definition, reforming an institution. In this sense, the reformation was to make a redesigned idea of the Catholic church. Because protestants were against the ideas of selling indulgences, the main idea was a purified church, away from papal authority, somewhat fundamentalism to get back to the idea of the actual religion, and remake the church