What is the difference between a rendering engine and a browser engine?A) A rendering engine controls the Back and Forward buttons and a browser engine stores user passwords.

B) A rendering engine coordinates user interface interactions and a browsing engine displays content on the screen.

C) A rendering engine enables a browser to save information and a browser engine handles networking requests.

D) A rendering engine displays content on the screen and a browser engine coordinates user interface interactions.


Answer 1


D) A rendering engine displays content on the screen and a browser engine coordinates user interface interactions.


The rendering engine will deal with all the HTML code and will generate an output based on its own rules for interpreting the code.  That's why different rendering engines will have different renditions of the same given HTML code. You can notice that in the acceptance of HTML5 and CSS3 tags, which are not universal yet.

The browser engine will deal with the user interface and all other features that make a browser a browser, relying on the rendering engine for the display.

That duality allows different browsers to use the same rendering engine, thus have similar outputs.

Answer 2


d hope this helped


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