Contrast generators and electric motors.


Answer 1


A generator produces electricity when a conducting wire is rotated between magnetic field. Mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. Fleming's right hand rule is used.

An electric motor does mechanical work using electrical energy. A current carrying coil is placed in magnetic field. A torque is exerted on the coil and it rotates. Electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy. Fleming's left hand rule is used.

Answer 2
Answer: generators take mechanical and output energy. electric motors take the input of electricity. 

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You do Ke = kinetic times distance divide by mass

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Li2O is the molecular formula for lithium oxide.

the answer is Li2O

good luck

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2726.54 J/K


Entropy change = (m* L_(v))/(T)


m = mass of water = 450g = 0.45kg

L_(v) = 2.26 MJ/kg = 2260000 J/kg

T = temperature at which water change from liquid to steam = 100 degree Celsius = 272 + 100 = 373 degree kelvin.

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Some things you could take into consideration are the weight of the jumpers. There height, well more like overall mass. Gravity would be another key factor. The angle at which she jumped could be another variable. Wind resistance could be another important thing. How far she is attempting to jump is an important variable.

Those are just some of the basic things.

Hope I helped. :)

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Lack of investigation – we jurors were told over and over not to investigate the situation ourselves. We were to make our decision only on the basis of the evidence presented to us. I can tell you in the case I was on there were at least two whopping big questions hanging over the case that nearly every juror in the room identified as very important but not addressed by either lawyer. Either one of them (whether the defendant’s schedule allowed time to drink before being stopped in the car, whether a particular medical condition could affect breathalyzer tests) could have changed the outcome. We could have answered one of these with 10 minutes on google and the other with some very simple subpoena of records. But we couldn’t use any of this. Scientists obviously are the opposite – if they need more information, they are expected to go get it before making an opinion.
Reliance on personal testimony – although science and trials share a focus on evidence, trials recognize testimony of individual people under oath as a major form of evidence. They certainly acknowledge the possibility of lying and explicitly instruct jurors to decide what testimony they believe. My case was unusual in that there was so much video footage, but still a majority of the case came down to testimony by the police officers, and most cases even a few years ago would have had only testimony. Science on the other hand, doesn’t accept testimony. Or does it? What else is the methods and results section of a paper? I’m on the fence whether science is so different on this one.