Approximately 20 percent of alcohol is diffused through thea. small intestine.
b. large intestine.
c. stomach lining.
d. lungs.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. stomach lining." Approximately 20 percent of alcohol is diffused through the stomach lining. In our stomach, it is where all the food that we take in will be stored for digestion.

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Which of the following is not true concerning tropical plantations?a. They are generally found in humid, tropical climates. b. Wheat and corn are common products of tropical plantations. c. Most crops from tropical plantations are exported. d. Cocoa, coffee and tea are common products of tropical plantations.
Phylogeny is the type of classification that names and identifies different organisms primarily by their: A. Physical similarities B. Similarity to humans C. Physical differences D. Evolutionary relationships
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Which statement best describes how the evolution of pesticide resistance occurs in a population of insects?A. Individual members of the population slowly adapt to the presence of the chemical by striving to meet the new challenge.B. All insects exposed to the insecticide begin to use a formerly silent gene to make a new enzyme that breaks down the insecticide molecules.C. Insects observe the behavior of other insects that survive pesticide application, and adjust their own behaviors to copy those of the survivors.D. A number of genetically resistant pesticide survivors reproduce. The next generation of insects contains more genes from the survivors than it does from susceptible individuals.

How has the concept of a "planet" changed since the 16th century? Do you think this shows scientific accuracy or disproves future facts, as one assumes that they will be discredited in time too?


Science keeps "improving", so the scientific theories and ideas from the past are either expanded on or proved to be false. The concept of planets has definitely seen changes, with Pluto peven being considered not a planet. In the 20 century we believed there were 9 planets but now there is considered to be 8. Science exists as it is but as humans we are constantly discovering more of it because of improvement in the times and technology. Science that proves to be accurate will never be discredited though it will be improved upon .





In the 16th century everyone thought everything revolved around the Earth. It wasn’t till the 17th century that everyone got it right that everything revolved around the Sun. I think both as we get better at understanding things our world becomes bigger and everything could change. One day we could find something different and the next day it will be totally different.

Select all that apply.Which fungi are used in medicine?

Rhizopus stolonifera


The correct answer is:



The lesson states:

If you've ever heard of or taken penicillin to fight off an infection, you can thank a member of the imperfect fungi called penicillium. Some mold species of penicillium are also important in the flavoring and aging of cheese. Roquefort and Camembert cheese owe their distinctive flavors to these fungi. Aspergillus is an imperfect fungus that is found on decaying food. It also contributes to the production of organic acids like citric acid. Both penicillium and aspergillus produce enzymes that are purified and used in various industrial compounds and in medicine.

Which is a coarse-grained, igneous rock composed mainly of pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, and olivine?


The answer is gabbro.

Gabbro is a group of rocks that are igneous and phaneritic (coarse-grained). It is formed when magma trapped beneath the surface begins to cool slowly. It consists of pyroxene, feldspar, plagioclase, and, in smaller ratio, olivine. Gabbro's common name is 'black granite'.

Biologists believe that a large number of species that are part of the rain forest ecosystem are on the verge of extinction. Which statement BEST describes the role of urbanization in this disaster?A) Urbanization leads to deforestation and loss of habitat for many species.
B) Many animals are captured or killed by poachers, significantly reducing their numbers.
C) Viral epidemics that break out in human populations spread to animals in the ecosystem.
D) Factories cause a significant rise in temperature in the forests, endangering many species.


Answer: A) Urbanization leads to deforestation and loss of habitat for many species.


Urbanization is the main reason for the exploitation of the rain forests which has lead to the extinction of species used to be residing in the forests ecosystems.  Following are the factors which are responsible for such disaster with the expension of urbanization:

1. Infrastructure: The land is the main requirement which is responsible for the exploitation of rain forests. The large area is required for the accommodation of  the large human population, construction of roads, highways and bridges. This has replaced many habit-ant animals from their native land and also leads to extinction due to ecological disturbance.

2. Increasing needs of food, herbs and wood: Many species of wooden trees could be found in the rain forests which have now extincted due to increasing demand for wood. The herbs have been wiped up for the preparation of medicines and drugs. The large number of tree populations are also exploited due to availability of fruits, and vegetables.

3. Wildlife trafficking and hunting: Some of the animal species have been included in the list of endangered species due to their use for commercial selling of horns, hives and other valuables.

answer A) Urbanization leads to deforestation...

What can be said about prokaryotes and eukaroytes?a. Prokaryotes always have a nucleus, but eukaryotes don't.
b. Both of these cell types contain a nucleus.
c. Eukaryotes always have a cell membrane, but prokaryotes don't.
d. Both of these cell types contain genetic material.


Eukaryotes always have a cell membrane, but prokaryotes don't. Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells are bothbuilding blocks of life in different organisms. The main difference of two isin its structures. Eukaryotic cells contain organelles that are foundinside membranes, like the nucleus, which stores chromosomes and DNA.Prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus and no true chromosomes. Prokaryotic cellsare unicellular while eukaryotes are multicellular. The presence ofmitochondria, chloroplasts, and cell wall are all distinct to Eukaryotic cells.Eukaryotic cells are found in animals and plants, while bacteria and archaeahave prokaryotic cells. 

In terms of existence, prokaryotes have been onEarth for millions of years; while eukrayotic cells have come to existencethrough the process of evolution.  

What characteristic of amphibians necessitates that they live near water?


they are mostly habittated to watter because they requres oxygen more from water or there organ setup to do it works properly under water.