Which is the best revision of the sentence?In June I went to summer camp with dancing, singing, paint pictures, which were my favorite activities and I want to go again next year.

A) My favorite activities from summer camp that I went to in June were dancing, singing, and painting pictures. I want to go back next year!
B) Next year I want to go again to summer camp that I went to in June. My favorite activities were that I danced, sang, and painted pictures.
C) I went to summer camp in June and want to go again next year. My favorite activities were dancing, singing, and painting pictures.
D) Next year, I want to go back to the summer camp I went to in June with dancing, singing, and painting that were my favorite activities.


Answer 1


C) I went to summer camp in June and want to go again next year. My favorite activities were dancing, singing, and painting pictures.


Answer 2

The correct answer is letter C

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Oedipus is motivated by too much pride or hubris. He sees himself as a glorified man because the people in the town considers him a hero and a successor to the throne. His hubris contributes to the plot in a such a way that a conflict arises between him and Teiresias when he is confronted of accusations of killing Laius.


Identify the following as plot or theme.

Time changes everything.





The phrase, "Time changes everything," is indeed a theme. This is due to the fact it is not a typical statement or sentence that tells the reader something directly. The phrase given has a deeper meaning that can be interpreted in several various ways.

I hope this helped!!


Final answer:

'Time changes everything' is considered a theme in literature, as it is an overarching idea that recurs and gives a comprehensive understanding of a story.


In literature, 'Time changes everything' can be categorized as a theme. A plot pertains to the series of events that make up a story, including the sequence, the conflict, and the resolution. On the other hand, a theme is a central idea, subject matter, or message that recurs throughout the story and is a reflection of the bigger picture. 'Time changes everything' is a thematic statement because it expresses an overarching idea about the nature of life and change.

Learn more about Theme here:



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The part of the excerpt from Scott Fitzgerald ‘Winter Dreams’ reflects Dexter’s final disillusionment is when he finally obtains everything he highly desired to find out his major expectations fully shattered and broken by the reality of life. His wealthy life and relationship was also ruined and corrupted. For this also he expected many things but it practicality hit him hard and he was finally disillusioned of the dreams which formed the major part of his life.


The part of the excerpt from Scott Fitzgerald ‘Winter Dreams’ reflects Dexter’s final disillusionment is when he finally obtains everything he highly desired to find out his major expectations fully shattered and broken by the reality of life. His wealthy life and relationship was also ruined and corrupted. For this also he expected many things but it practicality hit him hard and he was finally disillusioned of the dreams which formed the major part of his life.


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I guess you could say a pro is that gullible people will believe you, but that's an unethical pro. The cons are that it usually causes much controversy in a society where there's not supposed to be a bias in the government. Propaganda in its true form is never a good thing. It is unethical in the sense that it takes advantage of people who are too lazy to do research and quick to believe what someone tells them. One example I like to use is many of these independent "news" websites. On both ends of the political spectrum, left and right, you find websites that have articles so heavily weighed down with that wings propaganda that true news becomes less and less visible. Occupy Democrats is one textbook example of that. 

VocabularyAntonyms: Match each word with the word or phrase most nearly its opposite.







Bydefinition pedantic means ’a person who bothers people by making unintelligentcomments onto things or the one who show off knowledge to much. Among thechoices the best answer would be letter A: scholarly. It means that theknowledge shared is something well-searched, peer-reviewed or has concretebackup findings. Childish is of course, a premature understanding of thingsdealing with emotions alone. Ignorance is a bliss. And sophisticated is usingreasonable arguments or rather ‘sound arguments’ that basically feels right butare actually wrong.