Conducting a regular self-exam of the external reproductive system can reduce a male’s risk for what condition?


Answer 1


reproductive health disease

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What is npc energy . . . . . .. . . . . .


When you only talk to people if they talk to you, so like a video game, npc, only when you are talked to.

when you talk to people who talk to you

Please help! (I don't know if the two I have answered are correct)


I think the answer to the first question is false then the second question is true and the third question is true
False, true, true. In that order.

What is the possible cost of a victim of repeated threats and violence



Intimate partner violence (IPV) is abuse or aggression that occurs in a close relationship. “Intimate partner” refers to both current and former spouses and dating partners. IPV can vary in how often it happens and how severe it is. It can range from one episode of violence that could have lasting impact to chronic and severe episodes over multiple years. IPV includes four types of behavior:


Does tv rotten your brain


it depends watching TV can become addictive with a lot of people who have addictive problems, depending on the person studies show sometimes, actually watching TV stabilized the brain with strategies to make u aware of some possible  interactions, i would avoid a lot of cartoons tho even though yes they are fun, games on xbox... ps3 etc, like COD for example helps your brain work with fast thinking or quick acting along with skills with military ...
TV doesn't necessarily cause a "rotting" of the brain per se, but it does cause a dependency on limbic system stimulation. 

What type of stretch is best included as a part of a warm-up


Dynamic stretches because they take your muscles through a large range of movement and prepare your muscles for exercise and sports.
Dynamic stretches because they take your muscles through a large range of movement and prepare your muscles for exercise and sports.

Hope this helps.

how many cups are you suppose to drink if your mouth is burning after eating a big bag of hot fries and what to drink?


you should drink 1 cup of milk

I've learned that dairy helps cool things down, while water does nothing, so drinking milk would probably help. Many people go straight for water after eating something very hot and spicy, but the truth is that water keeps your mouth on fire. Milk doesn't - It cools down immediately :D