The main reason conflict has broken out in northern ireland is because of its


Answer 1


The main reason conflict has broken out in northern ireland is because of its unification issues.


The Northern Ireland conflict (also known as The Troubles) was an inter-ethnic armed conflict in Northern Ireland, which caused great loss of human lives during the second half of the twentieth century. It faced, on the one hand, the unionists of Northern Ireland (of Protestant religion, majority in the region), supporters of preserving ties with the United Kingdom, and on the other hand the Irish Republicans, mostly Catholic and demographically minorities, supporters of independence or the integration of the province into the Republic of Ireland, a country of Catholic religion. Both sides resorted to weapons, and the province sank into a spiral of violence that lasted from October 8, 1968 until the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, on April 10, 1998, which laid the foundations for a new government, in which Catholics and Protestants share power. However, violence continued after this date and still continues occasionally on a small scale.

Answer 2

Unification issues. (Gradpoint)

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B. A 22-year-old computer programmer
C. A 19-year-old high school graduate who likes to complain about the government
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What unresolved conflict was made worse by adding more territory to the United States in the early to mid-1800's


The Fight Over Slavery
The debate over slavery. Adding more territory raised the question of whether slaves would be allowed in the West (and, subsequently, whether the West would align with the slaveholding or the free states in the conflict). Controlling the West meant either proliferating or stopping the expansion of slavery, depending on who got it. New Western states meant more power to either the slave states or the free ones in the Senate.

1. How did the immigration of the late 1800s differ from earlier immigration? A. Early immigrants came largely from northern and western Europe while immigrants from southern and eastern Europe dominated the late 1800s.
B. Immigration was much easier because of faster processing.
C. Immigration was better organized, so most immigrants had jobs before they arrived and moved quickly to assimilate all over the country.
D. Immigrants in the late 1800s came with greater wealth and more education than earlier immigrants.

2. How did U.S. participation in World War I affect the American civilian population?
A. Children over age 14 had to take jobs because there was a labor shortage.
B. Fewer farmers were able to produce crops, so there were food shortages across the country.
C. Civilians could not keep up with the supply demands of the military.
D. With men drafted to serve in the military, jobs became available for women and minorities.

3. Which was not a cause of the Great Depression?
A. bank crises
B. high taxes on the wealthy
C. stock speculation
D. falling purchasing power

4. How did women play a role in World War II?
A. by producing inspirational radio programs that were broadcast to GIs
B. by starting a letter writing campaign to servicemen
C. by running for political offices that men were unavailable to fill
D. by enlisting in the military and working in civilian jobs that had typically been held by men


1. The correct answer is A. During earlier immigration, the majority of immigrants came from Western/Northern Europe (for example from Italy), while in the later 1800s, immigration was largely from Southern/Eastern Europe. 2. The correct answer is D. Since men were going in the military, there was a need for jobs to be filled. Thus, women and minorities were able to take jobs that previously weren't available to them. 3. The correct answer is B. There were no high taxes on the wealthy, which actually might have curbed the effects of the Great Depression. 4. The correct answer is D. Similar to question 2, there was a need for women to fill certain jobs because men weren't available. This led to women enlisting in the military to work civilian jobs.

What does the name Buddha mean?“enlightened one”
“spiritual one”
“wealthy one”
“wise one


means "enlightened one" in sankskrit language.
it means "enlightened one"

Which amendment to the Constitution ended slavery in the United States


The 13th amendment to the constitution which was ratified December 6th, 1865, abolished slavery in the United States.