Which of the following men was NOT a Greek philosopher? A. Socrates B. Plato C. Themistocles D. Aristotle


Answer 1


Option C, Themistocles, is the correct answer.


Themistocles was a politician and general from Athens. He rose to fame in the early phase of democracy in Athens. He was associated with the Populist, having the provision of lower-class Athenians, and commonly being at probabilities with the aristocracy of Athens. Chosen archon in the year 493 BC, he established the polis to expand the maritime supremacy of Athens, a recurring motif in his administrative profession.

Answer 2
Answer: I recall the answer is C 

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ii. The Missouri River is one of its tributaries.
iii. It is an important commercial waterway.

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The correct option is A. All of the chart characteristics describe the Mississippi River.

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the Mississippi river

I need help with this ones please!!!


Answer: One

Explanation: You would put it under "ONE" because theocracy like in most countries that have religion are one government as a whole, whereas democracy is "ALL" because the government is run by multiple people choosing, or everyone agreeing for one person to be chose. Theocracy doesn't need people to choose for itself when the government is run strictly by religion or "their own culture" dictates (which dictatorship is under "ONE" because of dictating someone's volition). Theocracy does the same, but it can be closely involved with democracy or dictatorship or anything else depending on the country itself, but mostly doesn't change since it still dictates your decisions and your own free will for what your religion is.

Which of the following concepts best explains why the Continental wCongress would want the colonists to know about and approve of theDeclaration?
The social contract
Popular soveriegnty
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Popular sovereignty should be the correct answer since the power was held by the people

Why was the United States concerned about nuclear missiles in Cuba?


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Missiles could be launched from Cuba to the US