Genetics is the study of what?


Answer 1

Genetics is the scientific study of genes - the instructions that govern a person's growth, development, and health. These are passed down from from parents to children via sexual production.

Answer 2
Answer: Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms. It is generally considered a field of biology, but it intersects frequently with many of the life sciences and is strongly linked with the study of information systems. hope this helps:)

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By shivering to warm up.
so homeostasis in layman's term means that the body is trying to keep it's system balanced or functioning normally. It's a survival mechanism.

An example would be as mentioned is when a person begins to shiver in order to try to maintain their body temperature. If someone's body temperature gets too low death usually occurs unless they are given medical assistance if it's not too late.

Hopefully this helped and good luck.

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Gland cells are most likely to possess a large number of Golgi bodies.

Please mark my answer as the brainliest answer, I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

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Cell signaling enables the cell to communicate and respondto environmental changes. The environmental stimuli are transferred to the cellas signaling molecules. Only the cell that has a specific receptor to thesemolecules will respond to the stimuli as a result of the binding of the signalingmolecules to its receptor.

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It requires a journey of self-knowledge.
It's made possible through education.
It means following a set path.
It's an impossible task for everyone.


Final answer:

The author uses the word 'discover' to emphasize that freedom requires a journey of self-knowledge. Correct option is A.


The author uses the word discover to emphasize that freedom requires a journey of self-knowledge. By using the word 'discover,' Ralph Ellison suggests that freedom is not something that is given or granted, but rather something that one must actively seek and uncover within themselves. This idea aligns with the theme of self-realization and individual agency, as the process of discovering who one is is a personal and transformative experience.

Learn more about The idea of freedom and self-realization. here:



D for connexus practice


How are waste products in the blood removed from the body?


White blood cells remove these objects from the blood stream. Testosterone also helps remove any wastes in the blood stream

Explain how a trait might seem to “disappear” for a generation, and then “reappear” in the following generation.


If all of the individual in a generation receives one dominant allele and one recessive allele, then they will all show the dominant trait.

If they are bred, they will pass on the dominant allele to some of their offspring and recessive allele to others.

If an offspring receives two recessive alleles, it will show the recessive trait and therefore it will reappear.

When two true-breeding or homozygous individuals for dominant and recessive traits are crossed, the resultant is always a dominant trait. The recessive character appears in the following generation when the F1 progeny is self-crossed due to independent segregation and random fusion of gametes.

Further Explanation:

Consider Mendel's experiment on a pea plant in which he used the trait of height as tall and short. On self-pollinating the tall plants, the resulting progeny were all tall while when self-pollination was done for short plants, the resultants were all short. It was found that when true-breeding short (t) plants are bred with the true breeding tall (T) plants, the offspring results in all tall plants in the F1 generation. When this progeny is self-crossed, the F2 generation results in both tall and short plants in a 3:1 ratio.

Mendel stated that the traits are controlled by genes that are present in pairs of alleles. Each parent contributes the alleles in the pair. Allele 'T' is received from a tall parent while short parent contributes to allele’t’ and they together produce a tall plant. This is because the 'T' allele suppresses the expression of’t’ allele because of its dominant nature. Therefore,’t’ is a recessive allele, and 'T' is a dominant allele.

Cross between true-breeding tall (TT) and short (tt) plant:

Parents: TT x tt

Gametes: T x t

Progeny: Tt (tall, F1 generation)

When F1 generation is self crossed:

Parents: Tt x Tt

Gametes: T, t x T, t

Progeny: TT, Tt, Tt, tt

In the F1 generation,the recessive trait (short plant) was suppressed because of the dominance of the 'T' allele over the’t’ allele. In the following generation, the recessive trait reappeared because of the independent segregation of gametes and their random association with each other.

Learn More-

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  2. Learn more about how are mitosis and binary fission similar
  3. Learn more about a dividing eukaryotic cell that is treated with a drug that inhibits the shortening of spindle microtubules. This will cause the cell division cycle to stop at the ____ stage.

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Gene interaction

Subject: Biology


True-breeding, homozygous, genes, alleles, dominant, recessive, independent segregation, random fusion, gametes, progeny, F1 generation, F2 generation.